User Experience Innovation is a book about creating novel and engaging user experiences for new products and systems. User experience is what makes devices such as Apple's iPhone and systems such as so successful. iPhone customers don't buy just a phone; they buy into an experience enabled by the device. Similarly, customers enter a world of book reviews, interesting recommendations, instant downloads to their Kindle, and one-click purchasing. Products today are focal points, and it is the experience surrounding the product that matters the most. User Experience Innovation helps you create the right sort of experience around your products in order to be successful in the marketplace.
The approach in User Experience Innovation is backed by 18 years of experience from an author holding more than 100 patents relating to user experience. This is a book written by a practitioner for other practitioners. You'll learn 17 specific methods for creating innovation; these methods run the gamut from targeting user needs to relieving pain points, to providing positive surprises, to innovating around paradoxes. Each method is one that the author has used successfully. Taken together, they can help you create truly successful user experience innovations to benefit your company or organization, and to help you grow as an experienced expert and innovator in your own right.
•Provides 17 proven methods for innovating around user experience
•Helps you think beyond the product to the sum total of a customer's experience
•Written by an experienced practitioner holding more than 100 user-experience patents
What you’ll learn
•Identify target users, their needs, and core tasks
•Relieve pain points and innovate around conflicting user needs
•Provide positive surprises and a good first impression
•Create compelling ecosystems surrounding your products
•Develop context-awareness in your products
•Win the battle against organizational challenges
Who this book is for
User Experience Innovation is for product designers, product managers, application and web designers, and developers responsible for creating products and influencing their design and operation. User Experience Innovation encourages you to look at the big picture surrounding your product and service and how it is used, helping you create a successful user experience that leads to a larger, more satisfied, intensely loyal customer base.
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