The technical analysis classic-revised and updated to help you succeed, even during times of extreme volatility. "This book contains the most advanced methodology I've ever seen." (George C. Lane, from the Foreword). Required reading for certification in the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) program. Over a decade ago, when this groundbreaking guide was first published, the world of technical analysis had experienced vast change. Seemingly overnight, technological advances had utterly transformed the way market analysts performed their jobs. A growing army of professional technical traders, armed with global plug-and-play software, needed to improve their skills of price projection, timing, and risk management to weather the increasing market ranges and volatility. Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional helped them achieve it. The word spread that this practical guide provided radical new uses and combinations of indicators and formulas-and it became an instant classic. By comparison, today's markets make those of 1999 look simple - so Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional has been expanded to reflect the author's experiences over the past decade to bring you fully up to date.It provides comprehensive coverage of new techniques, as well as the timeless insight and tools that analysts will always need to maintain a competitive edge in the global financial markets, including: explanations of why common oscillators do not travel between 0 and 100 and why signals develop in different ranges during bull versus bear market trends; expanded guidelines for the use of the Composite Index. Formulas are fully detailed for this custom oscillator that warn when the Relative Strength Index is failing to detect a trend reversal; a comprehensive foundation of Gann analysis, with an explanation of how Gann Squares, the Gann Fan, and the Square of 9 are geometrically related to one another; Methods for calculating Fibonacci retracements and swing projections in rapidly expanding or contracting markets; and a more expansive discussion of cycle analyses and their asymmetrical properties. Each chapter presents the given topic as a separate building block, moving step-by-step through 150 charts that lead toward new methods of price triangulation. The result enables you to pinpoint a market objective - even in the most extreme and volatile trading environment. Use Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional to establish the trading dominance you need to excel in today's uncertain markets.
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