seven continents represents the true essence and meaning of crery image that i have spent relentless and countless hours trying to capture and project through my camera lens.the challenge that i often face is trying to find that perfect image that grabs not only my artistic vision but also provides me with an emotional connection with nature.when i encounter this vision,i know i have captured the perfect aspect of harmony.perfect images are the windows of the every image,i offer a tribute to the uniqueness of the remote places i have visited,reflecting my appreciation of the beauty,history,and significance of each olcation.i enjoy photographing remote places in this world that vety few people venture to desire to share with all nature lovers scenes from these diffcult to reach places and my love of'story-telling' about them is the source of my strength required to endure the diffculties and challenges i encounter on my photo shoots.
Mohan Bhasker captures transcendent landscapes of the earth’s most awesome locations and is obsessed with traveling to remote, exotic, and exquisitely beautiful places. Born and raised in India, he came to the USA at an early age, and graduated from UCLA. When he’s not on one of his far-flung treks shooting spectacular photographs, he works as an Internist and Gastroenterologist practicing in the Los Angeles area. He has trekked extensively in Patagonia, Tibet, and the Himalayan Ranges of Nepal, and also traversed the deserts of Lencois Maranhenses in Brazil on foot to photograph the lagoons in the middle of the deserts. Herewith is the first part of his first person narrative detailing his adventures and his motivations.
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