Accept no substitutes: Wolfgang Tillmans could well be the coolest photographer on the planet. Always imitated, never bettered, he's the lens-meister of the zeitgeist, the photo-journo who went artside, a man in constant demand, moving effortlessly from magazine to fashion shoot to gallery retrospective. He creates identities, he's the brand name of hip. From Ray Gun to i-D, his images feel iconic before they're out of the fluid. I'll be your mirror, he whispers, and the Gen X-kids find themselves reflected in his always open pictures.
Make your own meaning, rave about them, the artifice, the stagings, it's so close to home and snapshot-casual you could do it yourself. But you couldn't. Framing is all. Every shot is classically composed, it's just the subjects that are so Now. From the portraits that made him famous, through the still lives and landscapes (undermining the genres with every shot), this book is high colour, dirty realist heaven. Finding the still point in the information overload, the sexuality in the machine, and the image in the image saturation, Tillmans gives us the brief epiphanies we might just remember as our own.
Accept no substitutes: Wolfgang Tillmans could well be the coolest photographer on the planet. Always imitated, never bettered, he's the lens-meister of the zeitgeist, the photo-journo who went artside, a man in constant demand, moving effortlessly from magazine to fashion shoot to gallery retrospective. He creates identities, he's the brand name of hip. From Ray Gun to i-D, hi...
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承淡安针灸选集承淡安针灸学术讲稿 本书特色 《承淡安针灸选集》是从承淡安1930—1957年间编写的教学讲义,为医刊杂志撰写的文章,以及若干著作中的序文中整理选...
中药泡脚更健康:养好脚是健康的根本 本书特色中医认为,人体是一个统一的整体,人体的脏腑 、器官、四肢、百骸,相互依存、相互关联并相互制 约,一旦某个组织发生了病...
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法律教学案例精选:2007年刑事卷 目录 总 则 刘元付故意杀人案 买买提·×××盗窃宣告不负刑事责任案 吴金艳故意伤害案 韩庭龙放火案 陈东权故意伤害、李光抢...
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