Who are your next customers - not just the ones you are serving today but the ones you'll need three, five, ten years from now? How do you figure out what goods and services will attract them in the future? How do you figure this out ahead of your competitors? According to globe-trotting innovation expert Jan Chipchase, most of the clues are right in front of us, hidden in plain sight. The key is learning to see the ordinary in a revolutionary new way, to see beyond what people are doing to understand why. As Executive Creative Director of Global Insights at frog design, an award-winning global design and innovation company, Chipchase shows us how to see the world differently, drawing on the everyday from making a phone call, to filling up a gas tank through to ascertaining whether its half and half you are pouring into your coffee. He's eternally looking for opportunities-gaps, anomalies, and contradictions-that will give his clients, some of the world's largest companies, a distinct competitive advantage, whether they're delivering the most low-tech bar of soap or through to the most high-tech wireless network. In "Hidden in Plain Sight", Chipchase takes readers on his journeys across the globe, sharing his methods for identifying unmet customer needs. No matter where he stops-whether Kabul or Cleveland-Chipchase's goals are the same: to spot and decode the routines of daily life and to help readers use the very same tools that he and his team use to see - and capitalize upon - what is hidden in plain sight today to create businesses tomorrow.
2019年,Netfilx 播出 大卫·芬奇 监制剧集《爱,死亡和机器人》。天马行空的想象力、不拘一格的表现形式、深邃厚重的思想内涵征服了整个二次元世界,《爱死...
● 热播综艺节目的特邀摄影师——王义博,微博拥有175万粉丝知名90后摄影师,众多明星御用摄影师,《天天向上》《快乐大本营》推荐摄影师,曾作为特邀摄影师拍摄《爸...
预应力钢与混凝土组合结构 内容简介 简介本书介绍了预应力结构概念、分类、特点、预应力损失估算及无粘结预应力筋内力增量计算方法等;研究内容包括预应力frp筋钢与混...
图表药理学 本书特色 本书充分利用直观的视觉效果,在较全面地把药理学知识框架作简洁、系统说明的基础上,尽可能采用图表造型的模式形象地表现药理知识。全书内容全面、...
装饰石材应用指南 本书特色 《装饰石材应用指南》一书主要介绍了石材行业现状、石材商业分类与鉴别、石材产品类型与技术要求、石材的选择与设计、石材加工工艺、...
作者简介著:弐瓶 勉(ニヘイ ツトム) 1971年生まれ。男性。福島県福島市出身。代表作に『BLAME!』など。1995年、『BLAME
二十世纪后期的最近20年中,有两股巨流在横扫着全球,一是经济的市场化浪潮,二是 政治的民主化浪潮。市场化的浪潮使计划经济的市场几近绝迹,民主化的浪潮则使各色的个...
医学衷中参西录 内容简介 本书共分上中下三篇,收录了已故名医张锡纯先生的《医学衷中参西录》的全套,书中收录了大量的病例及方剂,以及张锡纯先生的评点文章。 本书内...
癫痫治法新解 内容简介 本书由著名的癫痫病学教授、确有专长中医癫痫治疗专家张汤敏先生编著。作者将自己40多年来的研究成果及在临床治疗中探索出的用中医中药治疗癫痫...
作品目录第一章 冷读术的真相/1第一节 危险的技能/2冷读的力量/2谁是出卖自己的人/3越捆绑,越相爱/6潜意识诱导/7赢得信任的心灵