Offered as an introduction to the field of data structures and algorithms, Open Data Structures covers the implementation and analysis of data structures for sequences (lists), queues, priority queues, unordered dictionaries, ordered dictionaries, and graphs. Focusing on a mathematically rigorous approach that is fast, practical, and efficient, Morin clearly and briskly presents instruction along with source code.
Analyzed and implemented in Java, the data structures presented in the book include stacks, queues, deques, and lists implemented as arrays and linked-lists; space-efficient implementations of lists; skip lists; hash tables and hash codes; binary search trees including treaps, scapegoat trees, and red-black trees; integer searching structures including binary tries, x-fast tries, and y-fast tries; heaps, including implicit binary heaps and randomized meldable heaps; and graphs, including adjacency matrix and adjacency list representations; and B-trees.
A modern treatment of an essential computer science topic, Open Data Structures is a measured balance between classical topics and state-of-the art structures that will serve the needs of all undergraduate students or self-directed learners.Pat Morin is an associate professor in the School of Computer Science at Carleton University as well as founder and managing editor of the open access Journal of Computational Geometry. He is the author of numerous conference papers and journal publications on the topics of computational geometry, algorithms, and data structures.
Pat Morin is a professor in the School of Computer Science at Carleton University as well as a founder and a managing editor of the open access Journal of Computational Geometry. He is the author of numerous conference papers and journal publications on the topics of computational geometry, algorithms, and data structures.
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