‘4AD get the lavish label history they deserve’ – MOJO
‘Aston has impressive access to some of rock’s most reclusive figures’ – Q
‘The book is an exquisite reflection of 4AD itself—extravagant, atmospheric, and rich in texture and timbre.’ PITCHFORK
‘Facing The Other Way represents one of the greatest stories to emerge from rock and roll's modern history’ – DROWNED IN SOUND
‘The conviction of Aston's storytelling blows dust off the needle so that those records and their often magical beauties are dragged out to be admired once again… Compelling stuff’ MOUTH MAGAZINE
'Martin Aston's 600-page chronicle is a suitable extravagant enterprise' GUARDIAN
“A fanatically scholarly account of the definitive art-pop label of the 1980s.” THE TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT
Written by author Martin Aston, the book extensively covers the label's achievements over the last thirty plus years, focusing on the period when the label was run by founder Ivo Watts-Russell and the music he helped bring to the world but also bringing the reader up to the modern day. Containing interviews with over a hundred people who have been involved with the label in it's time - be it an artist, staff member or fan - Martin managed to gain unparalleled access to pretty much everyone of importance, allowing him to tell the story he felt needed to be told.
Although we have not officially sanctioned this and have had no real involvement in it, we felt this was in good hands with Martin, a long term supporter of the label and a prominent music journalist since the mid-80s. You can read an excellent interview with Martin here.
After nearly two years of exhaustive research, Facing The Other Way weighs in at over 600 pages and is unlike any other label history of it's kind. Published by The Friday Project, the cover has also fittingly been designed by Vaughan Oliver, the man who built 4AD's famed aesthetic, a key player in this story.
Martin Aston has been writing about and reviewing music since 1984. He has a particularly deep appreciation for the independent music scene. He is the author of two previous books: Pulp (MacMillan, 1995) and Björkgraphy (Simon & Schuster, 1996). ‘I’ve until now avoided writing more books as I enjoy occasionally leaving the house,’ he says. ‘Writing Facing the Other Way: The Sto...
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