《从流浪汉到记者:斯诺1928~1941亚洲经历(英文版)》内容简介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS)in coopera- tion with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arrangedfor re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People'sRepublic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revo-lutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in Chinaand abroad.
%In Journey to the Beginning he noted his father, James Edgar Snow,came from a long Protestant, anti-Papist tradition. After becoming a freethinker,his father fell so in love with a beautiful, redheaded, strictly Catholic girl, AnnaCatherine Edelmann, he readily promised to take instruction in the Catholicfaith and raise and baptize their children as Catholics if she would marry him. Their third and last child, Edgar, was born July 19,1905. By this time thefather's instruction in Catholicism had soured, providing instead restockedammunition for his original views as a freethinker. Mildred and John Howard,Edgar's older sister and brother, were educated in Catholic schools, but fatherinsisted Edgar go to public schools. Edgar continued to attend Mass with hismother on Sunday mornings, but in the afternoon he also had to listen to asecond catechism composed of well-chosen lines from Robert Ingersoll orother writers on the Roman Catholic Index. By the time Snow wrote Journey to the Beginning he had become an avidreader of Mark Twain and insisted he lost his religious faith in adolescence,not because of Ingersoll's arguments but because of an older altar boy whodisrespectfully ate some Communion wafers without being struck by lightning.Nevertheless, Snow remembered continuing to attend Mass out of consider-ation for his mother. Snow's father ran a small printing business in Kansas City. A passionatereader with a strong sense of personal integrity, he was an earnest, if some-what impractical, idealist. In his college years he once wrote, "How strongmust that student feel who can walk through a library with the consciousnessthat he knows the plans and purposes of all the leading books!" Snow's mother was more personally forgiving and comfortably acceptedthe authority of tradition. Intellectually, Snow sided with his father, but emo-tionally he bonded with his mother. He frequently associated her with thepleasures of his youth in later letters. Her unexpected death in 1930, while hewas away in Shanghai, troubled him for much of the rest of his life.
《从流浪汉到记者:斯诺1928~1941亚洲经历(英文版)》内容简介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS)in coopera- tion with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arrangedfor re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People'sRepublic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revo-lutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in Chinaand abroad.
In Journey to the Beginning he noted his father, James Edgar Snow,came from a long Protestant, anti-Papist tradition. After becoming a freethinker,his father fell so in love with a beautiful, redheaded, strictly Catholic girl, AnnaCatherine Edelmann, he readily promised to take instruction in the Catholicfaith and raise and baptize their children as Catholics if she would marry him. Their third and last child, Edgar, was born July 19,1905. By this time thefather's instruction in Catholicism had soured, providing instead restockedammunition for his original views as a freethinker. Mildred and John Howard,Edgar's older sister and brother, were educated in Catholic schools, but fatherinsisted Edgar go to public schools. Edgar continued to attend Mass with hismother on Sunday mornings, but in the afternoon he also had to listen to asecond catechism composed of well-chosen lines from Robert Ingersoll orother writers on the Roman Catholic Index. By the time Snow wrote Journey to the Beginning he had become an avidreader of Mark Twain and insisted he lost his religious faith in adolescence,not because of Ingersoll's arguments but because of an older altar boy whodisrespectfully ate some Communion wafers without being struck by lightning.Nevertheless, Snow remembered continuing to attend Mass out of consider-ation for his mother. Snow's father ran a small printing business in Kansas City. A passionatereader with a strong sense of personal integrity, he was an earnest, if some-what impractical, idealist. In his college years he once wrote, "How strongmust that student feel who can walk through a library with the consciousnessthat he knows the plans and purposes of all the leading books!" Snow's mother was more personally forgiving and comfortably acceptedthe authority of tradition. Intellectually, Snow sided with his father, but emo-tionally he bonded with his mother. He frequently associated her with thepleasures of his youth in later letters. Her unexpected death in 1930, while hewas away in Shanghai, troubled him for much of the rest of his life.
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