

作者:蔡志忠 编绘,吴靖宇 译







封神榜-中英文对照版 本书特色

1、 看国学,学英语,一套漫画书就能搞定!本套图书囊括了蔡志忠漫画中国思想、漫画中国传统经典著作的经典,采用中英文对照的全新编辑方式,英文紧随中文之后,在每一页上立即实现对照,并用大开本印刷,非常方便中英文的交互学习。对于中国读者,国学、英文、漫画,看一本书就有三大收获!2、 而在中国国际影响力不断提升的今天,对于想了解中国文化的外国朋友,通过这套入门级的中国思想、传统经典著作的漫画读本,通过没有语言文化隔阂的漫画、和地道的英语来了解中国,甚至对照着学习汉语,也大有益处。3、 蔡志忠漫画是博大精深的中国思想的一个现代的图像载体,2013年7月,蔡志忠诸子百家漫画系列拍摄水墨动画,其中260则故事编入中小学教材,持续影响着一代代中国读者。这部书除了能从国学基础上有利于中小学生的成长,更能从英汉双语的交互学习方式上适合现代中小学生的阅读。4、 迄今蔡志忠漫画作品在全球近50个国家销售超过40000000套,蔡志忠是世界上*有影响力的漫画家之一。这套书被评价为中国传统哲学与文学史无前例的漫画再创作。★畅销中国20年、读者突破100万的时政文史类文摘;★《作家文摘20周年珍藏本》精选创刊20年*有影响力的文章,聚焦高层人物,透视焦点事件,还原历史真相;

封神榜-中英文对照版 内容简介

本书为16开大开本,是蔡志忠漫画中国传统文化经典 中英文对照版全集的一种。《封神榜》又名《封神演义》,是一部中国神魔小说。其内容依托“周兴商灭”的历史背景,用武王伐纣为时空线索,从女娲降香开书,到姜子牙封三百六十五位正神结束。蔡志忠先生用四格漫画方式演绎《封神榜》,使用“恶搞”的创作手法,取原著故事元素,用当代娱乐心理演绎,制造出融合时代特色的爆笑效果。

封神榜-中英文对照版 目录

哪吒ne zha
盖屋维生building a pagoda to make a living
灵位出租spirit tablet space for rental
云泥之差a world of difference
大小有别golden and wooden things
腹中之物in the family way
异形诞生et is born
怪胎妙用making use of the monsters
地域之争fighting for territory
每况愈下from gold to...
世界纪录book of world records
取名哲学the philosophy of naming
运不能改unchangeable fate
另一种成熟another kind of maturity
无心之过an unintended offence
不按牌理violating the rule
果真不妙fun or tough
层次不同different skill level
严以律己tidal wave activity
依法无据no legal grounds
劣等产品shoddy goods
与君同归what a fish!
传统办法soft versus tough approach
不敢小看not to be underestimated
完全犯罪dead meat
龙口爆炸year of the dragon
唯一绝品a unique present
天生我物必有所用it’s a snake!
比上不足比下有余what is losing a little skin
父亲心理a father’s state of mind
三倍赔偿the son’s debts is the father’s debts
有违“成语”flooding the dragon king’s temple
雷大雨小loud thunder, little rain
历史罪人condemned by history
双管齐下strange rain
车舟不能兼顾drangon’s tears
天国存款簿report to heaven
逃罪妙方escape plan
罪犯天堂criminals’ heaven
生活必需品packing up
玩兴不改circles of mischief
小山与大山small hill and huge mountain
同一阶层in the same class
不懂行规the rules of the game
越级演出shame, shame...
穴中之龙dragon in a cave
仙风道骨demeanour of a transcendent being
时髦功夫fashionable skill
生意眼光business opportunity
克难升降机emergency transport
老少皆不宜too young and too old
演出越级no violence, please!
偷鸡不着蚀把米monetary loss
讼无好讼who gains from a lawsuit
上帝也疯狂the god is crazy
真人不如小人the unresourceful true man
业余水准amateur painter
生花妙嘴换坐椅winning a seat with a glib tongue
副作用reincarnation in a lotus flower
现代十八般武艺better to have more skills
寓教于乐instructive entertainment
拿手戏the final test
承担不起too big an honour
儿童本色childish nature
无鱼虾也好budget constraint
十万火急as swift as lightning
配备齐全complete outfit
祸不单行encounter with the traffic police
姜子牙jiang ziya
*佳拍档working partners
不同凡“熊”no ordinary bear
风水轮流转good fortune comes by magic
聚魔神水demon-attracting magic water
错用范本another try
助人为快乐之本flying tricks
果真天下**it’s lonely up there
原始飞行器to the rescue
仙山学店magic training school
太早高兴intense competition
同病相怜two of a kind
果真是幼齿just an upstart
别有用途special hat
卖弄禅机the subtleties of zen
换汤不换药old wine in a new bottle
田舍功夫master’s teachings
各有利弊aches and sores
新的更不妙new may not be better
力战群魔fighting the demons
关系企业bored stiff
生活即是道life is the way
依“法”有据in accordance with the law
《易》书*难easy stuff
国学基础班back to basics
大法术小解脱(一)it’s magic time!
原始科技who needs magic
分配问题budget constraint
顶上问题“hairy” problem
助一脚之力a helping foot
各有成长growing up
后知后觉on hindsight
美中不足blemish in a good thing
正宗马子horse match
钓与被钓to fish and be fished
角度不同by the wei river
钩不离我离keeping a distance from the water
行行出状元each trade has its master
新奇钓饵different kind of bait
砍柴新招new way to fell a tree
安乐死another method
目的不在鱼fish is not the target
商纣王king zhou of shang
人也能生土地introducing shang
末代皇帝的悲剧the last emperor
商人的典故shang people
华夏文化之根shang culture
历史惯例tyrant among tyrants
子贡翻案redeemed by zigong
能担巨轮holding up a huge wheel
媳妇熬成婆the long wait is over
暴君文龙tyrant with a“dragon”tattoo
急死后台impatience at backstage
新式贺礼fashionable birthday present
“天”意代表难缠heaven’s will
样样不如人inferior in every respect
魔鬼身材“devilish” figure
现代诗人比较行modern verses
正中要害hit on the nail
拍错马屁licking the wrong boots
不是本行not in their line of duty
用人不当wrong person for the job
下身太多,上身不够figure that!
果真万人迷real enchantress
狐毛出在狐身上dressing for the part
自导自演自唱three-in-one role
演出彻底snake act
御选女娲beauty contest
世风日下the search begins...
半段美人half beauties
有色眼镜tinted glasses
雌心不小female with great ambition
也不是省油之灯a worthy rival
金冠藏娇crowning glory
寡人有“疾”unbridled passion
修身、齐家、治国、平天下unifying the world
就在后头where’s the king
一样是山the same problem
王雄变狗雄the great king
新型法宝new magic weapon
妖气浓厚evil vapour
寻纣王不遇in the royal harem
千载难逢rare beauty
幻术本质keeping up appearances
桃木生桃peaches grow on peach wood
马屁拍在马腿上what an ldea!
功能不同recreational activities
百害一利gain factor
免费建筑术the art of building
低估身价little evil spirit
无心鸡heartless chicken
落人话柄heart phrases
郎心如铁man with iron heart
人之将死其言也善words of a dying man
炮烙烧肉bi han’s death
爱“心”输出loving heart
一级毒品a woman’s venom
蛇肉生吃snakes for the feasting
生意手腕bussiness skills
卖力演出all-out performance
周文王king wen of zhou
已开发国家agriculturally sound
藏富于民store wealth among the people
有钱的烦恼the trouble with being rich
亲密关系public relations
合乎标准averaging out
资历完整seven-yeat imprisonment
现代妙手modern geniue
真人不露相a wise man hides his true identity
设想周全searching for the extraordinary man
大丈夫能伸能屈go visiting
专科医师another career
热门问题hot topic
真材实料salary in kind
快递邮件express mail
大鬼不到,小鬼报到summoning the devils
直达班机direct flight
天下无白坐的专机taking flight
坑人陷阱the first commandment
杂牌精品assorted goods
四合一结晶a real animal, please
打分不留情hell of a ride
战场不同magic weapon
法宝list of creations
不胜负担heavy burden
无心之失fated life
回头不是岸don’t turn back
新人出场introducing a new character
全部满分perfect 100
兼营副业multi-purpose weapon
钱途看好financial prospects
兵贵胜不贵久who’s the better man
为戏牺牲good guy and bad guy
分身有术dual aims
慷他人之慨body works
长人一等a cut above the rest
低不就高不成the perfect mount
真有两把刷子bull with unique skill
前世的仇恨enmity in a previous life
同性相斥like poles repe!
殊途同归reverse psychology
前途堪忧what a future!
aids恐惧症life with a bull
意外惊喜good and bad news
坐食两用交通工具escape with the bull
将计就计bull tactics
有赢有输great minds think alike
闻太师prime minister wen
九转十八弯turning round and round
权宜之计an expedient measure
得来不易not easily come by
天怒人怨wrath of god and anger of men
现代规矩modern custom
罪魁祸首the chief culprit
当场变现instant realisation
对牛弹琴play the lute to a bull
“钱”途考虑financial considerations
爱财老爹the money-loving old man
层层考核close examination
真材实料genuine stuff
牛尾过不了窗livestock prohibition
政治辞令political terminology
“姓”格使然predestined by his name
不失本“姓”true to his name
有备无患no danger with precaution
真正好“冰”good quality ice
事实证明proven by fact
卫星天线satellite antenna
利弊各半pros and cons are 50-50
站高空看人相残watch the fighting from above
看走了眼wrong observation
悲剧中的悲剧the tragedy in a tragedy
皆大欢喜to the satisfaction of all
超级大旗super banners
身负“重”任shouldering a heavy responsibility
劳军兵团the goodwill corps
现成炸弹a ready-made bomb
真枪实弹real guns and bullets
“西方”道人taoist from the west
*佳资方the best employer
金钱考虑money considerations
真材实料real stuff
天生赢家the born winner
黄金雨the golden rain
效果惊人shocking effect
战报惊人fantastic war communique
一号战术time out, please
杨戬yang jian
趁“毒”打劫take advantage of the poison
一“见”有效instant effect
找对了人found the right person
迷你水灾a mini flood
绝不稀奇not at all strange
一见不吉bad luck to see
唯一憾事the only problem
三班制work in shifts
超级名犬a super dog
老鸟练新兵training a new soldier
劳军特种兵special goodwill corps
求“治”心切eager to find a cure
袖珍型轰炸机a mini bomber
抓到弱点pinpoint weaknesses
颜面尽失a total loss of face
应观众要求upon request of the audience
天下无白吃的午餐no free lunch in the world
*佳建议best suggestion
土行孙tu xingsun
天生特“短”innate weak point
老人专利exclusive right of the aged
果然神鼻really a magic nose
电玩机关electronic mechanism
现代吐纳术the modern art of breathing
冲过头了dashed too far
门当户对well-matched marriage
无福消受have not the luck to enjoy
还是不安全still not safe
来得正肥in time for a fat post
品味不同different tastes
过河卒子好使usefulness of a pawn
露出“马角”giving himself away
身不由己in spite of himself
洋法术imported conjuring trick
请先买票pay toll, please!
真假皆可no matter real or fake
飞航禁忌flying restrictions
层层负责report at each level
养兵千日,用在一时maintain a hidden army
低姿态战术a low-profile tactic
世界级宠物world-class pet
童年玩法child’s play
半斤八两tit for tat
卖票吓人scary admittance charge
一臂之力lend you a hand
幼儿园级kindergarten level
利用地形take topographical advantage
天罗地网tight encirclement
金钱本色the lure of money
中国上帝a chinese god
时髦玩意fashionable stuff
儿时童玩game played as children
*佳投法the best throw
闪电追击a lightning chase
倒行逆施perverse act
击中要害hit her right at the vital point
夹带成功an lngenious treaty
谁是战俘?who is the pow
魔家四将four generals of the mo family
濒临绝种动物animals on the brink of extinction
金玉其外coated in gold and jade
中琴西用chinese guitar played new way
有备无患precaution averts danger
全才动物an all-round creature
池小不容大鱼a small pool cannot hold a big fish
一喜一忧both a pleasure and a headache
裸体歌舞dancing in nude
当场证明immediate proof
连续剧的功夫tv serial skill
罢战牌a truce sign
以夷制夷subdue the enemy with its own kind
好好魔王good guy fiend
靡靡神曲delicate divine melody
劳资平等labour-capital equality
天生神力born with magic strength
互相品尝have a taste of each other
百密一疏an oversight in a hundred schemes
以少取胜win victory with fewer men
银弹攻势the silver bullet offensive
人兽之间between man and beast
客串演出guest performers
为国捐躯sacrifice for the nation
成本问题the question of production cost
猪羊不缺no lack of pigs and sheep
看谁厉害?who’s stronger
欺牛太甚pushing the bull too hard
马嘴上阵head does not match jaw
探亲规矩home visit etiquette
黄牛本性the nature of a bull
有命在身see who is stronger
猪族觉醒self-determination of the pig tribe
眼在手上eyes on palms
手术后果result of surgery
伸缩镜头zoom lenses
双手偷香voyeurism by hand
能看能打able to fight as well as to see
里外不是人no human form
搔痒战术the tickling tactics
大小通吃wipe out big and small altogether
鱼肉庆功celebrating the victory
不是人才,而是木材!not capable men, but timber
无用之用the use of uselessness
风林火山wind, forest, fire and mountain
靠山可怕dangerous supporter
慧眼识英“才”keen perception of good timber
也是一招also a skill
先甜后苦first sweet and then bitter
“鸟”医生出马a bird doctor comes forward
雷震子lei zhenzi
云雾制造机the cloud-and-mist-making machine
等到何年wait till what year
别有目的having ulterior motive
速成仙丹an instant magic pill
“鹰”雄本色inherent qualities of the sexes
还得加道手续one more necessary procedure
迫切问题a pressing problem
飞虎特技stunt of the flying tiger
鸟类公敌enemy of birds
透天房屋roofless housing
新鲜野味fresh game dish
战争的好处the advantage of war
赏口饭吃spare a mouthful of food for me
有书为证shown on record
税金太重heavy taxes
画饼充饥draw a cake to allay hunger
空中楼阁castle in the air
多金单身汉a wealthy bachelor
飞战可怕terrible battle in the air
空飘鸟肉fowl meat from the sky
鸟尽狗烹after the birds are killed
十绝大阵the great battle of 10 unique skills
举国不满nationwide protest
十绝大阵the great battle of 10 unique skills
有凭有据fully substantiated
难渡关山criteria hard to meet
十杰大选electing the 10 outstanding talents
塞翁失马a blessing in disguise
杰出婴儿an outstanding baby
英雄难过甜头关the test of sweetness
出口收费pay at the exit
谈笑用兵fighting a fun battle
玲珑有致exquisite little thing
滑冰制敌subdue the enemy by skating
温水煮蛋boiling eggs with earth heat
天然温泉natural spa
战场规矩rules of battlefield
金光党秀golden light gang show
金光镜阵golden light mirror battle array
攻击弱点aim at the weak point
母亲之花flowers for a mother
舌粲莲花lotus flower blooms on the tongue
莲花可怕a terrible lotus flower
果真太空!truly a space robe
安胎保济丸miscarriage-prevention medicine
先去半条命lose half a life first
通通有请please come, everyone!
现代经营术modern managerial skill
果真惊人extraordinary, indeed!
预算问题budget problem
纸上谈兵armchair strategists
新鲜武器modern arms
各擅胜场both are victors
民主先驱pioneers of democracy
将军的垫脚石the general’s stepping-stone
正字标记the orthodox symbol
进口毒烟imparted poisonous smoke
为谁辛苦为谁忙for whom are we bustling about
从善如流follow what is right
整批作业wholesale operation
阴错阳差the great mix-up
统独问题unification or separation
物尽其用make the best use of everything
新式战略modern strategy
文宣**propaganda goes first
风雨同舟in the same storm-tossed boat
殷鉴可贵valuable lesson of yin
错得离谱excessively wrong
公开审判an open tribunal
如何下手where to begin
下不了手absolutely bewitched
保护动物animal protection
成就不同different achievements
片尾字幕words at the end of the film
appendix further reading

封神榜-中英文对照版 作者简介

蔡志忠,1948年2月2日,出生于台湾彰化。1963年起开始画连环漫画。1971年任光启社电视美术指导。1976年成立远东卡通公司。1981年另创龙卡通公司,拍摄了《七彩卡通老夫子》《乌龙院》等卡通电影,《老夫子》曾获金马奖最佳卡通电影长片奖 。1983年四格漫画作品开始在中国台湾、香港及新加坡、马来西亚、日本的报刊长期连载。1985年获选为全台湾十大杰出青年。1986年《庄子说》出版,蝉联畅销排行榜第一名达十个多月。1987年《老子说》等经典漫画、《西游记38变》等四格漫画陆续出版,译本更包括德、日、俄、法至今已达二十余种语言。1992年开始从事水墨创作。《蔡志忠经典漫画珍藏本》出版。1993年口述自传《蔡子说》出版。1999年12月8日获得荷兰克劳斯王子基金会颁奖,表彰他“通过漫画将中国传统哲学与文学作出了史无前例的再创造”。2011年获得“金漫奖”终身成就奖。 2009年9月,入驻杭州西溪湿地成立巧克力动漫公司,拍摄世界美术史动画片。2012年3月,受聘为腾讯网络动漫平台首席顾问。2013年7月,蔡志忠诸子百家漫画系列拍摄水墨动画,其中260则故事编入中小学教材。 Brian Bruya是此系列书美国版的译者,拥有夏威夷大学比较哲学的博士学位。他是中国早期哲学研究领域的专家和翻译,同时还是一个关于中国哲学研究的网站书海文苑的总编辑。

