本书讲述了来自不同行业的二十一位普通中国人十年来的生活故事。这些人来自不同的行业,如盾构机操作手、钢琴调律师、工业设计师、淘宝店主、专利代理人、数字版权服务商等……通过他们的讲述,可以亲切地感受到中国十年来日新月异的变化。this book recounts the life stories over the past decade of 21 ordinary chinese people engaged in not-so-ordinary work, including a shield tunneling machine operator, piano tuner, industrial designer, taobao online-shop owner, patent agent, and digital copyright service provider. through these narratives, we intimately sense the rapid changes in the last ten years across china.
a media director a bridge to learning sciencea countryside doctor staying in a rural corner dedicated to a virtuous causea volunteer commentator delivering knowledge and sharing its charma piano tuner hope soars through striking the right notesan industrial designeropening the "door of creativity" through originalitya shield-tunneling machine operatordriving an "unrivaled glant" to build a subway networka nature reserve workerprotecting a national treasure in remote mountainsa cadre sent to aid tibetgiving something back to the snowy plateaua taobao shop owner building a buy-and-seu platform to promote domestic demand and achieve win-win results a qiang embroidery artist advancing minority and folk artsa blind health masseur holding up the sky through self-reliancea journalist reviews the south-to-north water diversion project resettling thousands of miles away for the larger familyan arcttcologist exploring the secrets of the earth's three polesan intellectual property judge guardian of an innovative economya plateau road maintainer witness to transformations in the "road to the skies".an ombudswoman handling complaints and visits ordinary people's affairs are the most importanta woman dedicated to public welfare and charity doing small things with great lovea large-scale grain grower who says farmers are not happy?a digital copyright service provider growing along with digital publishing in chinaa pet physician fun through a new career%
his book is edited by Zhang Xiaoying, chief editor of Economic Daily. The authors of the book include senior journalists from Economic Daily, a national newspaper first issued in 1983. Economic Daily is one of the most authoritative and trusted financial and economic news publications. An important channel for the government to publicize economic policy and information, Economic Daily’s circulation ranks among the top.
his book is edited by Zhang Xiaoying, chief editor of Economic Daily. The authors of the book include senior journalists from Economic Daily, a national newspaper first issued in 1983. Economic Daily is one of the most authoritative and trusted financial and economic news publications. An important channel for the government to publicize economic policy and information, Economic Daily’s circulation ranks among the top.
现代学人与学术-余英时文集-第五卷 本书特色 本书收录余英时先生有关现代学人与学术的研究论文30余篇,在书中余先生对中国近现代学术史上极具代表性的学者如钱穆...
《独秀文存》选 本书特色 为刚刚逝去的“20世纪”作总结,似乎是今日中国学界义不容辞的责任。对于崛起于艰难之际、致力于建立现代民族国家的中国人来说,20世纪既灾...
社会城市:再造21世纪花园城市 本书特色 本书英文版是为了纪念埃比尼泽•霍华德的著作《明日的花园城市》出版一百周年而写的,在出版16年后,...
胡耀邦与真理标准问题讨论 本书特色 真理标准问题的讨论发生在中共十一届三中全会以前,结束于十一届三中全会以后,对于我国之几党的思想及社会建设都起着里程碑作用。在...
超时代的俊男美女 本书特色 这是一本关于美和纪录美的书,从三十年代的古典主义直到张扬个性的如今,本书通过好莱坞的电影为我们讲述着美的演变。好莱坞的偶像已经成了某...
媒介宣传研究 本书特色 本书是“口口口媒介译丛”之一,全书**次用访谈、心理试验等研究方法,分类研究了新闻节目、电视剧、儿童节目、体育节目、电影、广播、在线节目...
中国游民文化小史 内容简介 《中国游民文化小史》所论述的游民文化在当前的学术界还是一个新的问题,全书分为游民——中国社会的特殊阶层;游民意识的载体——通俗文艺作...
中国图书馆分类法:第四版 本书特色 ★ 16开精装,国家图书馆出版社出版★ 丰实厚重,内容齐全,简明易懂,易记易用★ 图书分类法,是按照一定的思想观点,以科学分...
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新书--畅销文库:单身社会 本书特色 在1950年代,美国人口中只有22%的人单身生活,而今天,超过一半的美国人正处于单身,而其中,3100万人独自生活,——这...
语言文化学论纲 本书特色 本著作是在笔者多年研究语言文化学基础上写成的。它主要以2003年出版的《应用语言文化学概论》以及近5年多来本人在国内各种外语类核心期刊...
启功全集-第二十卷 本书特色 《启功全集》包括文论与书画两大部分,较全面地收录了启功先生撰写的专著、论文、诗词、题跋、书信、日记、讲学及口述历史,并选辑启功先生...
《何谓教育:黑暗中的光明》内容简介:★ 唯分数论只会助长精致利己,从容舒展才会鼓励独立思考 ★ 将教育的主权还给孩子,看战后日
中国古代报刊法制发展史 内容简介 本书分为中国报刊法制的起源、宋朝时期的中国报刊法制、元明时期的中国报刊法制、清初至清中叶的中国报刊法制以及清中叶至清末的中国报...
新闻评论案例教程(21世纪新闻传播学案例系列教材) 内容简介 本书是中国人民大学新闻学院承担的“十五”期间“211工程”和“十一五”期间“985项目”新闻传播学...