The definitive monograph of American photographer Vivian Maier, exploring the full range and brilliance of her work and the mystery of her life, written and edited by noted photography curator and writer Marvin Heiferman; featuring 250 black-and-white images, color work, and other materials never seen before; and a foreword by New York Times bestselling author Laura Lippman.
Vivian Maier’s story—the secretive nanny-photographer during her life who becomes a popular sensation shortly after her death—has, to date, been pieced together only from previously seen or known images she made and the handful of facts that have surfaced about her life. During her lifetime she shot more than 100,000 images, which she kept hidden from the world. In 2007, two years before her death, Chicago historic preservationist John Maloof discovered a trove of negatives, and roll upon roll of undeveloped film in a storage locker he bought at auction. They revealed a surprising and accomplished artist and a stunning body of work, which Maloof championed and brought to worldwide acclaim.
Vivian Maier presents the most comprehensive collection and largest selection of the photographer’s work—created during the 1950s through the 1970s in New York, Chicago, and on her travels around the country—almost exclusively unpublished and including her previously unknown color work. It features images of and excerpts from Maier’s personal artifacts, memorabilia, and audiotapes, made available for the first time. This remarkable volume draws upon recently conducted interviews with people who knew Maier, which shed new light on Maier’s photographic skill and her life.
一部手绘全球建筑史:普利策奖获奖作者为你讲述建筑的前世今生;剖面图大师图解16座传世建筑。◎ 编辑推荐☆ 普利策奖获奖作者与剖面图大师联袂创作该书作者帕特里克·...
作者:枯野 瑛輕小說作家,隸屬於A-TEAM,同時也是遊戲腳本作家。2002年以撰寫PC遊戲《Wind: A Breath of Heart》的小說版出道。作品...
作者简介深瀬 昌久(ふかせ まさひさ、本名よしひさ、1934年2月25日 - 2012年6月9日)は、日本の写真家。 北海道中川郡美深町生
上海市中医病证诊疗常规(第2版) 内容简介 本《常规》涵盖中医内科、外科、妇科、儿科、眼科、耳鼻喉科、肛肠科、皮肤科、骨伤科、针灸科、推拿科等11个学科。本《常...