A dictionary for a world whose cities are linked by fiber optic cables and whose citizens are virtually global, a world where airports are meeting places and meetings take place via web conference, the Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture identifies a new architectural will and a new social and cultural panorama. From "abduction" to "zoom," radical definitions abound. Collected together they form a global, cross-disciplinary, multi-voiced vision of new architectural action. They define an architecture that is inscribed in information society, that is influenced by new technologies and new economies, and that concerns itself with the environment and sustainability. Entries have been written by the six main authors--Gausa, Guallart, Mller, Morales, Porras and Soriano--plus dozens of international contributors, including Iiaki Abalos and Juan Herreros, Stan Allen, Cecil Balmond, Ben van Berkel, Aaron Betsky, Eduard Bru, Greg Lynn, Josep Llu's Mateo, Fradaric Migayrou, Marcos Novak, Josa Parez Arroyo, Andreas Ruby, Antonino Saggio, Saskia Sassen, Kelly Shannon, Lars Spuybroek, Roemer van Toorn and Mark Wigley. For the sake of accessibility, the dictionary has been organized according to three distinct systems. The main dictionary is laid out in alphabetical order, with each entry explained via one or various contributors' interpretations, plus a list of related words. Within this larger dictionary are two smaller ones: the ideological dictionary (see "ideological dictionary"), located roughly at the center of the book, offers analogical groups of words related to specific idea; the dictionary of aphorisms (see "synthetical") synthesizes some of the key definitions from the maindictionary in the form of mottos. Finally, please note that this is an illustrated dictionary, with images used to facilitate quick explanations of related terms.
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