millions of catswinner of newbery honor, wanda gág's timeless tales tells of an oldman who sets off in search of a beautiful cat to bring home as a companion forhis wife. but instead of one cat, he comes back with “hundreds of cats,thousands of cats, millions and billions and trillions of cats”…snippy and snappyin this charming book, we are introduced to brother and sister fieldmice living with their mother and father in a cozy nook in a hay field. theirfather enthralls them with stories about gardens in big fields, houses in biggardens, kitchen cupboards in big houses, and bigyellow cheeses in big kitchen day snippy and snappy wander away from home while playing withtheir mother's yarn ball. their journey takes them to a large house full ofmysterious things, including cupboards full of wonderful-smelling cheese. justas snappy begins to nibble at a piece of cheese in a mousetrap, their fatherjumps down to rescue them and lead them safely back home.gág's delightfully detailed illustrations capture the coziness, wonder,and playfulness of snippy and snappy's adventures.nothing at all"nothing-at-all" is the name of an orphaned puppy living withhis two brothers until two children come to adopt them. unfortunately,nothing-at-all gets inadvertently left behind-not out of cruelty, but because he is invisible!he is horribly lonely until he meets a bird, a jackdaw, who saysthat he knows how to make the puppy visible. nothingat- all doesn't think muchof the bird at first, but follows the instructions anyway, and after a littletime, hard work, and a lot of dizziness, the puppy becomes visible and isadopted along with his brothers.the funny thingthe funny thing is wanda gág’s follow-up to her well-loved classic,millions of cats . it tells the story of a curious dragonlike “aminal” thateats children’s dolls. a kindly man named bobo cannot stand by and allow thisto happen. he entices it to eat the concoction “jum-jills.”a happy ending is assured when the funny thing discovers he lovesthem and never eats another doll.the abc bunnyan unfortunate accident with an apple drives bunny from bunnyland toelsewhere. every letter in the alphabet is represented in bunny’s journey,through what he eats (greens), to whom he meets (insects, jay, kitten, lizard),and then a little sleep (nap), to tripping back to town, right side up andup-sidedown.this edition is a special abc book for children, wanda ga'g illustratesthe pictures with 26 letters, karen l. smith from canada is invited to bringyoung readers with the story of bunny. a marvelous book for family reading!gone is gonein this delightful story we meet fritzl, a farmer who lives with hiswife liesi, theirbaby kinndli, and spitz, their dog. fritzl works hardin the fields every day. liesi works hard all day, too, but fritzl somehowfeels that he works harder. when he complains about how hard he works and howeasy liesi has it, and liesi suggests they trade places.the tale’s sly peasant humor and conversational style combined withgág’s expressive black-and-white illustrations made the book an instantclassic. the hilarious outcomes of fritzl's calamitous day at home areportrayed in gág's singular illustrations. in the end fritzl admits that hiswife's work is "none too easy” and begs to return to his fields and not do housework anotherday. and they live in peace and happiness for ever andever.
安格斯奇遇记:the adventures of angus(中英双语朗读版)(全套共5册)乡下兔与小金鞋: thecountry bunny and the little gold shoes(英汉双语彩色精装版)问问熊先生: ask mr. bear(英汉双语彩色精装版)《婉达·盖格绘本典藏》英文绘本,共6册,是国内**套*全的wanda gag经典英文绘本。适用少儿学习英语,开启儿童心智。 美国著名图画书女作家,美国“真正绘本”时代开创者,纽伯瑞奖和凯迪克银奖获得者婉达·盖格,献给世上孩子们的爱心书。婉达·盖格深知孩子倾听大人用绘声绘色的口吻讲故事时的那种喜悦,所以她没有把她的作品画成是一本孩子自己去读的图画书,而是一本大人读给孩子听的图画书,书中都是孩子一边听大人读、一边自己看的插图,其笔触如行云流水。正因为这样的精神,以及其在绘画与文字上的独特风采,她的经典绘本系列至今魅力依旧。 本套图书为全英文原版,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载(下载地址见图书封底),让孩子们在品读精彩故事的同时,亦能提升英文阅读水平。
婉达·盖格(Wanda Gag),美国著名图画书女作家、画家。1893年3月出生于美国明尼苏达州的新乌尔姆。父亲是一位画家和摄影师,他不但用他的绘画才能替别人装饰房子和教堂来养家,还把他的艺术天赋传给了所有的孩子。婉达·盖格或许就是为画画而生,在她17岁时的日记中曾这样写道:“我自己的座右铭——画是为了活着,而活着是为了画。”画画一直都是她生活的动力。1928年婉达·盖格出版了《数不清的猫》。这本图画书为她赢得了极大的声誉,先后获得了1929年的纽伯瑞奖银奖和她逝世后才设立的刘易斯·卡洛尔书架奖。并入选纽约公共图书馆“每个人都应该知道的100种图画书”、日本儿童文学者协会编的《世界图画书100选》、日本儿童书研究会/绘本研究部编的《图画书·为了孩子的500册》。她的主要作品包括《The Funny Thing》、《Snippy and Snappy》、《The ABC Bunny》(获1934年纽伯瑞奖银奖);《Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs》和《Nothing at All》分别获1939年和1942年凯迪克奖银奖。
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