








剑桥中级英语惯用搭配-英语在用-(中文版) 本书特色

惯用搭配是经常一起使用的一组词,使用搭配会让你的英语显得更地道。搭配知识在一些考试中经常考到,如剑桥**英语证书考试(fce)、离级英语证书考试 (cae)、熟练英语证书考试(cpe)和雅思考试(ielts)。《剑桥中级英语惯用搭配》(中文版)是剑桥“英语在用”丛书之一,适合中缀及以上水平的英语学习者使用。,既可作为自学和练习的参考书,也可作为课堂教材使用。(1) 60个单元:每单元为一个对开页,左页讲解惯用搭配,右页编排相应习题;(2) 突出“在用”:通过图表、短文和对话讲解了约1,500组惯用搭配在典型语境中的应用;(3) 实用帮手:附有详尽的习题答案和便于检索的完整索引;(4) 学习建议(tip),错误提示(error warning):介绍学习策略,提醒易犯错误;(5) 权威语料:从剑桥国际语料库中选取*常用的惯用搭配。

剑桥中级英语惯用搭配-英语在用-(中文版) 内容简介

1. 剑桥“英语在用”丛书是世界上*畅销的英语词汇与语法学习参考书,被誉为英语学习者的“圣经”,全球销量逾千万2. 英国外交部首席中文翻译林超伦倾力推荐3. 英语学习类图书中的实力派,众多名师推荐学生购买,老师自己也在用4. 授人以渔:引导学习者掌握科学的英语学习方法,养成受益一生的好习惯

剑桥中级英语惯用搭配-英语在用-(中文版) 目录

目 录
致学生(和老师) 4
1 什么是搭配?
2 发现、记录和学习搭配
3 利用词典
4 搭配类型
5 语域
6 强调副词 highly unlikely, utterly ridiculous, strongly object
7 常用动词 1 make a mistake, do your best, do damage
8 常用动词 2 go bald, become extinct, fall ill
9 常用动词 3 have fun, take action, pay a compliment
10 同义词与易混词 1 close a meeting, antique furniture, only child
11 同义词与易混词 2 gain power, achieve your goals, defeat an opponent
12 隐喻 sunny smile, ideas flow, heated discussion
13 天气 strong wind, blanket of fog, river bursts its banks
14 旅行 tiring journey, aisle seat, family-run hotel
15 乡村 surrounding countryside, well worth seeing
16 城镇 lined with shops, sprawling city, volume of traffic
17 人:性格与行为 have a vivid imagination, lose your patience
18 人:体貌 slender waist, immaculately groomed
19 家庭 distant cousin, expect a baby, stable home
20 关系 casual acquaintance, love at first sight
21 感觉和情绪 lasting happiness, worried sick, emotional wreck
22 住宅、公寓和房间 move into a flat, spacious living room
23 吃喝 nourishing meal, dying of hunger, spoil your appetite
24 电影与图书 film critic, go on the stage, renew a library book
25 音乐 give a performance, go on tour, strum a guitar
26 运动 go snowboarding, take a penalty
27 健康与疾病 catch a cold, vigorous exercise, be taken ill
28 电脑 forward a message, e-mail bounces
29 研究与学习 do research, attend a lecture, first draft
30 工作 high-powered job, hand in your notice
31 商业 set up a business, launch a product, rival company
32 学术写作 1:发表意见 key factor, challenge a theory, carry out research
33 学术写作 2:组织论点 make reference to, argue convincingly, research suggests
34 法律与惩罚 break the law, bend the rules, fair trial
35 犯罪 hardened criminal, juvenile crime, tackle crime
36 新闻 hit the headlines, hold talks, take hostage
37 金钱 squander money, price soars, go cheap
38 战争与和平 war breaks out, restore order, call a truce
39 全球问题 irreparable damage, eradicate poverty,
earthquake hits
40 时间 save time, ungodly hours, from dawn till dusk
41 声音 break the silence, excessive noise, almighty bang
42 距离与尺寸 within commuting distance, painfully thin
43 颜色与光线 bright colour, beam of light, shed some light on
44 质地 choppy sea, soft pillow, ice melts
45 味道与气味 fragrant perfume, have a taste, smell danger
46 数字与频率 significant number, come to a total of, rare species
47 运动与速度 prompt payment, painfully slow, lose your balance
48 变化 make an adjustment, break a habit, change the subject
49 说话方式 brief chat, raise a subject, drop a hint
50 走路方式 pace up and down, wander aimlessly, faltering steps
51 开始与结束 promising start, bring something to an end
52 谈论成功与失败 make a breakthrough, fail miserably
53 谈论原因与结果 cause alarm, adverse effects, have a major impact
54 记忆与感知 vaguely remember, blot out a memory, have a feeling
55 同意与反对 settle a dispute, agree to differ, heated argument
56 谈论观念与看法 firmly believe, colour someone’s judgement
57 决定与选择 have second thoughts, arrive at a decision, tough choice
58 主张与否认 make the point that, contradictory evidence
59 喜欢与厌恶 have a liking, state a preference, take offence
60 表扬与批评 offer your congratulations, speak highly of
答案 126
索引 159

剑桥中级英语惯用搭配-英语在用-(中文版) 作者简介


