About the book:
Vincent van Gogh s story is one of the most ironic in art history. Today, he is celebrated the world over as one of the most important painters of all time, recognized with sell-out shows, feted museums, and record prices of tens of millions of dollars at auction.Yet as he was painting the canvases that would subsequently become these sell-out modern masterpieces, van Gogh was battling not only the disinterest of his contemporary audiences but also devastating bouts of mental illness, with episodes of depression and paralyzing anxiety which would eventually claim his life in 1890, when he committed suicide shortly after his 37th birthday.
This comprehensive study of Vincent van Gogh (1853 1890) pairs a detailed monograph on his life and art with a complete catalogue of his 871 paintings.
梵高的故事是艺术史上有着浓烈讽刺意味的故事。 如今,他已被誉为世界历史上极重要的画家之一,并以售罄的展览,丰富的博物馆和创纪录的数千万美元的拍卖价获得认可。
About the series:
Since we started our work as cultural archaeologists in 1980, the name TASCHEN has become synonymous with accessible, open-minded publishing. Bibliotheca Universalis brings together nearly 100 of our all-time favorite titles in a neat new format so you can curate your own affordable library of art, anthropology, and aphrodisia.
TASCHEN自从在1980年开始 “文化考古学家”的工作以来,现在出版社已经成为平民、开放的代名词。TASCHEN著名系列:世界图书馆丛书以简洁的设计、轻巧的体量,汇集了一直以来最受欢迎的100多种书籍。
Rainer Metzger studied art history, history, and German literature in Munich and Augsburg. In 1994, he earned his Ph.D. on the subject of Dan Graham, and subsequently worked as a fine arts journalist for the Viennese newspaper Der Standard. He has written numerous books on art, including volumes on van Gogh and Chagall. Since 2004, he has worked as Professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe.
Ingo F. Walther (1940–2007) was born in Berlin and studied medieval studies, literature, and art history in Frankfurt am Main and Munich. He published numerous books on the art of the Middle Ages and of the 19th and 20th centuries. Walther’s many titles for TASCHEN include Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Art of the 20th Century, and Codices illustres.
Ingo F. Walther(1940-2007)出生于柏林,在美因河畔法兰克福和慕尼黑学系中世纪研究、文学和艺术史。他出版了许多关于中世纪、19世纪和20世纪艺术的书籍。Walther为TASCHEN出版的众多书目包括《文森特-梵高》《巴勃罗-毕加索》《20世纪的艺术》和《Codices illustres》。
Rainer Metzger studied art history, history, and German literature in Munich and Augsburg. In 1994, he earned his Ph.D. on the subject of Dan Graham, and subsequently worked as a fine arts journalist for the Viennese newspaper Der Standard. He has written numerous books on art, including volumes on van Gogh and Chagall. Since 2004, he has worked as Professor of art history at t...
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