书刊介绍
《全面深化改革与世界经济(英文版)》内容简介
当前,中国全面深化改革的号角已经吹响,中国将对经济转型的方向、路径、速度以及目标进行科学规划和演化调整,从而在更大范围、更宽领域、更深层次上提高开放型经济水平,打造中国经济升级版,*终实现中华民族伟大复兴的“中国梦”。
本书通过国际社会看得懂的语言和逻辑,探讨当前世界经济格局下中国的进一步改革,向海外读者和国际社会展现中国作为一个负责任的大国建立和谐世界经济的意愿与抱负。
黄卫平,1951年6月生,中国人民大学经济学院教授,经济学博士,国务院特殊津贴获得者,欧盟让莫奈讲座教授,曾为中共中央政治局集体学习授课。1978年考入中国人民大学,先后完成世界经济专业的本科和研究生学习,1985年赴欧洲留学,回国后在中国人民大学任教,曾经作为富布赖特高级学者在美国斯坦福大学作研究并在海外从教,曾任中国人民大学经济学院院长。获中国高校人文社科优秀成果奖、北京市哲学社会科学优秀成果奖、北京市教学名师奖等。主要研究方向为世界经济、经济发展、中国改革与开放。作品目录
About
the
Author
Synopsis
Chapter
1The
World
Economic
Setup
With
Reform
"Imbalance"
and
"Re-balance"
of
World
Economic
Development
This
"imbalance"
is
not
that
"imbalance"?
"Phenomenon"
=/
"original
characteristics"?
Suffering
from
"influenza"
but
let
others
take
medicine
Excuse
1:
There
is
serious
imbalance
in
China-US
trade
Excuse
should
drastically
revalue
in
order
to
re-balance
the
world
economy
Excuse
3:
China
should
increase
its
import
of
products
Who
should
bear
the
cost
of
global
imbalance?
"Changing"
and
"New
Normal"
on
the
World
Economic
Scene
Cooperation
in
the
context
of
competition?
Or
competition
in
the
context
of
cooperation?
"Happy
alone"
or
"happy
together"?
"Multi-polarization"
or
"non-polarization"?
The
"Intrigue"
and
"Love"
in
the
World
Economic
Governance
"Crime"
and
"punishment"
of
global
governance
Governance
mechanism:
can
we
perform
"face
changing"?
Trade
mechanism:
are"barriers"
necessary?
Financial
mechanism:
trusting
the"big
brother"?
Gaming
in
governance:
China
and
America's
"give"
and
"take"
still
the
"locomotive"
China:
willing
to
be
a"stabilizer"
Future:
Realizing
the
objective
of"inclusiveness"
Chapter
2Uncertain
Prospects
of
the
International
Economy
The"Inside"
and
"Outside"
of
Policy
Adjustments
of
Developed
Countries
"Reverse
operation"
of
financial
policies
The"after
effects"
of
the
European
debt
crisis
Deceleration
of
Abe's
Arrow
De-leveraging
in
Different
Countries:
"Cold"
and
"Hot"
Financial"alleviating
burden"
of
developed
economies
Newly
Emerging
Economies"on
the
Way"
The
"Perpendicular"
and
"Horizontal"
of
New
Currency
Alliances
New
"Fiscal
Pact"
of
the
European
Union
"Atlantic
System"
and
C6、Club
"Rise"
and
"Decline"
of
Trade
Arrangements
Renewed
prevalence
of
regional
trade
arrangements
US's
new
trade
map
Response
by
newly
emerging
economies
"High-speed"
and
"Slow-speed"
Development
of
Newly
Emerging
Economies
Growth
predicament
for
newly
emerging
economies
Policy
"dilemma"
for
newly
emerging
economies
Finding
growth
motivation
"Loss
of
energy"
in
the
development
locomotive
"Differences"
and
"Similarities"
in
the
Changes
in
the
Chinese
Economy
and
the
World
Economy
"Isotropism"
in
China's
volatility
and
the
world
economy
"Synchronicity"
of
the
key
indicators
and
the
world
trends
"Coupling"
of
Chinese
and
economic
cycles
The
"cyclicity"
of
the
world
economy
structure
Chapter
3China's
Coordinate
in
the
World
Economy
"Active"
and
"Passive"
in
the
World
Factory
"Flying
Geese
Model"
and
"Pass
the
Parcel"
(Flower
Transfer
on
Drumming
Beat)
in
international
industry
transfer
"Wintelism"
and
the
"magnetic
effect"
with
the
global
production
network
The
"Strong
Point"
and
"Weak
Point"
of
Development
Models
Small
cost,
large
scale:
China's
well-endowed
"kill
secret"
Low
profit,
large
market
share:
market
formula
for
China's
manufacturing
industry
"Dream"
and
"Reality"
of
Industry
Upgrade
The
"growth"
and
"anxieties"
of
China's
development
"Objectives"
and
"conditions"
of
market
orientation
"Orientation"
and
"regulations"
of
structural
adjustment
Opponent
and
strategy
of
international
division
of
labor
"Elasticity"
and
"choices"
in
export
products
"Disadvantage"
and
"advantage"
in
the
endowment
of
factors
"Distribution"
vs
"growth"
in
social
welfare
"Flow"
and
"ending"
of
global
resources
Chapter
4Difficulties
and
Focus
in
China's
Economic
Development
"Internal
Cause"
and
"External
Cause"
in
the
Development
Bottleneck
Three
waves
of
bad
mouthing
China
The
first
badmouthing:
China's
society
will
collapse
The
second
badmouthing:
theory
of
collapse
of
the
Chinese
economy
The
third
badmouthing:
China
will
completely
collapse
The
four
choices
of
China's
economy
The
first
turning
point:
class
struggle
vs
economic
construction
The
second
turning
point:
defending
of
peaceful
evolution
vs
developing
economy
The
third
turning
point:
hesitation
vs
determination
to
enter
into
the
The
fourth
turning
point:
government-oriented
vs
market-driven
Five
internal
causes
in
the
development
bottleneck
First
bottleneck:
the
conflict
of
supply
and
demand
Second
bottleneck:
energy
bottleneck
Third
bottleneck:
environmental
bottleneck
Fourth
bottleneck:
food
grain
bottleneck
Fifth
bottleneck:
regional
imbalance
Six
external
causes
for
the
development
bottleneck
First
bottleneck:
China's
overseas
acquisitions
failed
as
a
"going
out"
attempt
Second
bottleneck:
China's
external
trade
is
facing
blockage
Third
bottleneck:export
of
China's
high-tech
products
are
constrained
Fourth
bottleneck:
China's
overseas
energy
and
import
channels
are
in
a
state
of
"non
fortification"
Fifth
bottleneck:
China's
economy
is
facing
the
impact
of
the
financial
crisis
Bottleneck
6:
geo-political
conflicts
influence
China's
economic
development
The
"Hot
Spot"
and
"Bright
Spot"
in
the
Development
Consumption—from
acceleration
to
stalling
The
rise
and
fall
of
mass
consumption
hot
spots
has
become
history
The
troika
stalls
and
internal
demand
remains
weak
Indicator
1:
people's
consumption
as
a
percentage
of
the
is
lower
than
the
global
average
Indicator
2:
people's
savings
as
a
percentage
of
is
higher
than
the
global
average
Innovation:
from
passionate
to
lethargic
The
science
and
education
system
calls
for
reform
Defects
in
the
enterprise
innovation
system
The
"Phenomenon"
and
"Nature"
of
Main
Prices
High
oil
prices
control
the
production
costs
of
enterprises
High
property
prices
control
the
people's
consumer
costs
The
conspiracy
behind
the
low-cost
plot
in
the
manufacturing
industry
"Addition"
and
"Subtraction"
in
Structural
Adjustment
"Subtraction"
is
to
eliminate
the
backward
production
capacity
The
"Curse"
and
"Opportunity"
of
Economic
Growth
The
probability
of
the
"Lawrence
Spell"
coming
true
How
to
avoid
the
"middle
income
trap"
Chapter
5Dialectics
of
China's
Comprehensive
Deepening
of
Reform
"Macro
View"
and
"Micro
View"
of
the
Economic
Structure
Accurately
select
the
macro
direction
of
economic
transformation
Let
the
market
play
a
decisive
role
in
resource
allocation
Boosting
economic
vitality
of
various
kinds
of
ownership
systems
Value
the
micro-economic
basis
of
macro-economic
regulation
Making
the
best
use
of
the
market's
"invisible
hand"
"Precision"
and
"Vagueness"
in
Policy
Choice
Objectives
and
tasks
of
China's
development
Measures
and
means
in
China's
development
"Return"
and
"Forward"
in
the
Direction
of
Transformation
System
innovation
drives
"forward"
Break
the
industry
monopoly
and
drive
the
reform
of
the
state-owned
enterprises
Protect
intellectual
property
and
encourage
innovation
Monetary
policy
regains
prudence
Top
priority
in
financial
reform
"Sustainability"
and
"Un-sustainability"
of
Development
Issues
The
"two
synchronicities"
that
break
the
vicious
circle
Anti-corruption
paves
the
way
for
system
reform
"Progress"
and
"Synergy"
in
Wealth
Creation
The
path
from
"being
wealthy
first"
to
"sharing
wealth"
China
practices
three
major
wealth
creation
theories
From
Pareto
optimality
to
real
fairness
Drive
the
shift
of
social
structure
from
dumbbell-type
to
olive-type
Chapter
6Conclusions
and
Forecasts
"Competition"
and
"Cooperation"
in
the
Global
Pattern
"Change"
and
"Removal"
in
China's
Development
References