英文原版1-The Jungle Book(森林王子)

英文原版1-The Jungle Book(森林王子)

作者:Rudyard Kipling







英文原版1-The Jungle Book(森林王子) 作者简介

Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born inBombay in 1865 and Iived there untiI theage of six,when he was sent back toboarding SChooI in EngIand.He Studiedat the United Servlces ColIege in Devonthen returned to lndja to Work as aiournaIist from 1882 to 1889.
KipIing first became famous for the storiesand poems he pubIished in the 1880sand 90s,but attitudes towardS the BritishEmpire were Changing at the end Of the19th century and his verse was oflencriticised for its imperlaIjst SIant.HisStorles for children were unqualjfiedsuccesses,though,and The Junqle Book(1894)and the Just so stories(1902)remain popuIar over a century later.
In 1907,Kipling was proud to be the first EngIish writer ever to be awarded a NobeIPrize for Literature.in 1910 he pubIishedthe much—accIaimed Kim.a noveI thatVividly describes Iife in India,and hisautobiography. Someghing of Myself waspublished in 1937,the year afler his death.

英文原版1-The Jungle Book(森林王子) 内容简介

Lost in the heart of the iunqle,a Voung Child named MOwgIi wanders into the denOf two wolveS,who take pity on him anddecide to ralse him as thelr own.But Iifein the iunqle is harsh for a man cub,andhe has a Iot of Iessons to Iearn if he IS tourvive.VariOuS anImaI frjends heIp himin his struggIes,including Baqheera,thewise blaCk panther. and Baloo,the Iaid—back bear.
Lovers of the CIassic film version of The ungle bood will Iearn more about theStory of how an innocent ChiId winS theheart of some of the iunqle’s fiercestcreatures,escapes from jealous enemiesand survives day-to-day perisS by the Skinof his teeth.But can Mowgli Stay with hisfriends f6rever?Kipllnq’S tale is a fabIeof alI human life and the diffculties ofgrowing up.

