英文原版12-20000Leagues Under the Sea(海底两万里)

英文原版12-20000Leagues Under the Sea(海底两万里)

作者:JuIes Verne







英文原版12-20000Leagues Under the Sea(海底两万里) 作者简介

JuIes Verne was。born in 1828 ln Nantes。Franceandas a child he ran off to become acabin boy on a merchant shop,until he was discovered and returned to his parentsHe trainedaS a Iawyer and mover toParis literature Was aIways his passinon.HeWas ntroduced to a theatrical set by his unCle and had his One-act pIaly,The Broken straws staged in 1850
His firistsuccessful story,Five weeks.In a Balloon(1863),formed part of a seriescalIed "Extraordinary Journeys" thatcombined contenporary scientificknoWledge with traVelogue.A Journey to.the Centre of the Earth(1864),From the。Earth to the moon(1866) and 20,000Leagues Under the Sea(1869)continuedthe serie and in Aroundthe worldinEighty Days(1873),hiS hero PhlileasFogg aecepts the challenge descrlbed In the title
Verne's books captured the popular imagination in an era when there was anuncritical fascinationwith scientiFicinnovation but his early enthusiasn fOrtechnololgy turned to pessimism abouttne tUture of ciViIizatlon in his later yeas.He died in Aens in 1905,hayingproduced sixly-five noVeIs,thirty pIaysand msny shorter works Along with H.G.welis he is acknowledged as one of thefoulnding fathers of the tener or science fiCtllon

英文原版12-20000Leagues Under the Sea(海底两万里) 内容简介

Several warships have been involved instrange。aceidents at sea,and ProfessorAronnax isj dispatched to investigate sightings of a peculiar kind Of monster described by Survivors is it a whale,Orpossiblya narwhal?The—Professor'stheories have to be hastiIy revised when,affer their ship founders。he finds himselfinside a giant Submarine and meets thebizarre CaptainNemo.
Whal are the crew oflheNautIlus trying to achieve?Will theProfessor escaple?JuIes verne's sci-fi adventure is a grippingread,fuIl of authentic scientlfIc,knowIedge.which predicled the invention of poweredsIubmarnes a quarter of al century beforethty became areaIity.

