








每天背点好英文-精选短文158篇-中级-(青少年) 内容简介

《每天背点好英文:精选短文158篇 中级(青少版)》针对中学生英语写作的要求,精选158篇小短文作为范文,供中学生参考学习用。作文题目也贴近学生生活,体裁分为议论文、说明文、应用文、记叙文等。加强学生单词和短语的运用能力,对语法知识的掌握程度,以及组句、整体构思和写作能力。

每天背点好英文-精选短文158篇-中级-(青少年) 本书特色

《每天背点好英文:精选短文158篇 中级(青少版)》针对中学生英语写作的要求,精选158篇小短文作为范文,供中学生参考学习用。作文题目也贴近学生生活,体裁分为议论文、说明文、应用文、记叙文等。加强学生单词和短语的运用能力,对语法知识的掌握程度,以及组句、整体构思和写作能力。

每天背点好英文-精选短文158篇-中级-(青少年) 目录

**部分 议论文1. why do we attend univesity?我们为什么上大学? 2. failue is the mothe of success失败是成功之母 3. can money buy happiness?金钱能买到幸福吗? 4. making fiends online网络交友5. natual resouces自然资源 6. examinations论考试 7. homewok论家庭作业 8. wok and rest工作与休息 9. my views of the ban on fiecackes我对禁放鞭炮的看法 10. the positive and negative effects of advetising广告的优缺点 11. science and human life科学和人类生活 12. do “lucky numes” really bing good luck?“幸运数字”真能带来好运吗? 13. machines and humans机器与人类 14. on saving论节约 15. my views on tadition我对传统的看法 16. on fast food论快餐17. on books论书籍 18. plans fo the summe holiday暑假计划 19. competition and coopeation竞争与合作 20. theoy and pactice理论与实践21. on diligence论勤奋 22. cities o countyside选择城市还是乡村23. pat-time jos兼职工作24. don’t spoil the childen不要溺爱孩子25. taking pat in school activities参加校园活动26. ealy education早期教育 27. why do they dop out of school?他们为什么辍学?28. keys to the 21st centuy21世纪的关键技能 29. the impotance of ealy rising早起的重要性 30. the ham of fake commodities假货的危害31. keeping pets饲养宠物 32. on oppotunities论机遇33. childen’s schoolags ae getting heavie孩子们的书包越来越沉34. my views on the development of pivate ca owneship我对发展私人轿车的看法35. love and leaning恋爱与学习36. on receation论娱乐37. development and envionment发展与环境38. pactice makes pefect熟能生巧39. my views on skyscapes我对摩天大楼的看法40. studying aoad论出国留学41. on bavey论勇气42. on coutesy论礼貌43. on cultue论文化44. on safety论安全45. on change论变化46. living within you means量力而行47. on saving wate节约水资源48. on aids关于艾滋病49. how to deal with boedom怎样对付无聊感50. on fiendship论友谊51. on news论新闻52. pusuing happiness追求幸福53. thee must be a use fo my talent天生我材必有用54. shopping online网上购物55. woking individually o woking in a team独立工作还是与人合作56. on the goup dancing competition关于集体舞比赛第二部分 记叙文57. the offende犯规者58. my sping vacation春游59. my fist day at tsinghua suodinate high school入清华附中**天60. a good lesson教训 61. the eath day世界地球日 62. the sping spots meet春季运动会 63. the english cone英语角 64. a boken chai坏椅子 65. helping an old woman帮助老奶奶 66. stop thief抓小偷 67. retuning liay books还书 68. a visit to beijing no. 4 high school参观北京四中69. boating去划船70. a lost bag丢失的包71. weekend activities周末活动72. chistmas圣诞节 73. a picnic in the countyside郊外野餐 74. a geogaphy goup参加地理小组 75. m. smith’s “cance”史密斯先生的“癌症” 76. a shotcut捷径 77. an ealy moning walk清晨散步 78. helping fathe stop smoking帮助爸爸戒烟79. a gil’s polem一个女孩的烦恼80. a ball球81. my childhood我的童年82. the fie火灾83. mios ae funny有趣的镜子84. going to the restauant去餐馆85. a visit to the hospital探病86. a paty聚会87. exploing space探索太空88. pessue at school学习的压力第三部分 应用文89. what can we do fo ou school?我们能为我们的学校做什么? 90. a repot报告91. a message便条92. an announcement of a tip参观通知93. a lette of invitation邀请信94. asking fo sick leave病假条95. to make an english pen fiend交英语笔友96. intoducing the couses介绍课程97. a faewell speech欢送会致辞98. an announcement of a paty晚会通知99. a poste fo an english-speaking contest英语演讲比赛的海报100. a lette fo college admission入学申请信101. a lette to my fathe给爸爸的一封信 102. a lette to the univesity pesident给校长的一封信 103. a lette of reply to a fiend给朋友的一封回信 104. an instuction使用说明 105. a lette of replying an advetisement广告应聘 106. a lette of thanks感谢信107. a lette of faewell告别信108. a lette to a newspape edito给报社编辑的一封信109. a speech演讲稿110. a diay enty: cleaing the snow日记一则:扫雪 111. a lette of apology道歉信 112. blood donation without payment无偿献血 113. fo a lost aticle寻物启事 114. a lette requesting an application fom致信索取申请表 115. a lette to a restauant致信饭店安排宴会116. a bulletin fo a fete and a dance游园会和舞会公告117. ou activities afte class学校课外活动118. an application lette一封求职信119. a lette to a homestay host给寄宿家庭主人的一封信120. intoduction to a hotel旅馆介绍121. a complaint aout cell phone quality手机质量投诉信122. a lette to a new classmate给新同学的一封信123. self-recommendation to a camp夏令营自荐信124. a new column named english witing新栏目:英文写作125. an intoduction介绍(客人)第四部分 说明文126. self-intoduction i自我介绍 i127. heay fok ying tung霍英东128. madam cuie居里夫人129. my hometown我的家乡130. shanghai oiental peal tv towe上海东方明珠电视塔131. how to peseve eyesight如何保护视力132. road safety交通安全133. my room我的房间134. peseving food in summe夏季保存食品135. the geat wall长城136. wate水 137. women in the moden wold现代女性138. self-intoduction ii自我介绍 ii139. my favoite spot我*喜欢的运动140. disneyland迪斯尼乐园141. michael jackson迈克尔杰克逊142. a guideook to taiwan台湾旅游指南143. a shap incease in wold population世界人口的激增144. healthy food健康食品145. bid’s nest鸟巢146. compute vius计算机病毒147. junk mail垃圾邮件148. how to beak a bad hait如何改变坏习惯149. slumdog millionae贫民窟的百万富翁150. geenhouse effect温室效应151. taffic in beijing北京的交通152. skills of communication沟通的技巧153. william shakespeae威廉莎士比亚154. intoduction to shooting射击155. my caee plan我的职业规划156. effect of movies电影的影响力157. depatment stoe百货商店158. communication通讯

每天背点好英文-精选短文158篇-中级-(青少年) 作者简介


