西氏内科学.全2卷(第25版 原版影印 精装)

西氏内科学.全2卷(第25版 原版影印 精装)








西氏内科学.全2卷(第25版 原版影印 精装) 内容简介


西氏内科学.全2卷(第25版 原版影印 精装) 本书特色


西氏内科学.全2卷(第25版 原版影印 精装) 目录

VOLUME ISECTION I: SOCIAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN MEDICINE1 Approach to Medicine, the Patient, and the MedicalProfession: Medicine as a Learned and Humane ProfessionLEE GOLDMAN AND ANDREW I. SCHAFER2 Bioethics in the Practice of MedicineEZEKIEL J. EMANUEL3 Care of Dying Patients and Their FamiliesROBERT ARNOLD4 Cultural Context of MedicineVICTORIA M. TAYLOR5 Socioeconomic Issues in MedicineSTEVEN A, SCHROEDER6 Global HealthARUN CHOCKALINGAMSECTION II: PRINCIPLES OF EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT7 Approach to the Patient: History.and Physical ExaminationDAVID L. SIMEL8 Approach to the Patient with Abnormal Vital SignsDAVID L. SCHRIGER9 Statistical Interpretation of DataTHOMAS B. NEWMAN AND CHARLES E. McCULLOCH10 Using Data for Clinical DecisionsTHOMAS H. LEE11 Measuring Health and Health CareCAROLYN M. CLANCY AND ERNEST MOY12 Quality of Care and Patient SafetyROBERT M. WACHTER13 Comprehensive Chronic Disease ManagementEDWARD H. WAGNERSECTION III: PREVENTIVE AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES14 Counseling for Behavior ChangeF. DANIEL DUFFY15 The Periodic Health ExaminationDAVID ATKINS AND MARY BARTON16 Physical ActivityDAVID M. BUCHNER17 Adolescent MedicineDEBRA K. KATZMAN AND LAWRENCE S. NEINSTEIN18 ImmunizationRAYMOND A. STRIKAS AND WALTER A. ORENSTEIN19 Principles of Occupational and Environmental MedicineMARK R. CULLEN20 Radiation InjuryDAVID J. BRENNER21 BioterrorismMARK G. KORTEPETER AND THEODORE J, CIESLAK22 Chronic Poisoning: Trace Metals and OthersIOUISE KAO AND DANIEL E.RUSYNIAKSECTION IV: AGING AND GERIATRIC MEDICINE23 Epidemiology of Aging: Implications of an Aging SocietyANNE B. NEWMAN AND JANE A. CAULEY24 Geriatric AssessmentDAVID B. REUBEN25 Common Clinical Sequelae of AgingJEREMY D. WALSTON26 IncontinenceNElL M. RESNICK27 Neuropsychiatric Aspects of AgingSHARON K. INOUYE28 Delirium or Acute Mental Status Change in theOlder PatientSHARON K INOUYFSECTION V: CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY29 Principles of Drug TherapyROBERT B. DIASIO30 PainSTEVEN R COHEN AND SRINIVASA N. RAJA31 Biology of AddictionERIC J. NESTLER AND STEVEN E. HYMAN32 Nicotine and TobaccoTONY R GEORGE33 Alcohol Use DisordersPATRICK G. O'CONNOR34 Drugs of AbuseROGER D. WEISS35 Immunosuppressing Drugs Including CorticosteroidsGRANT W. CANNON36 Biologic Agents and Signaling InhibitorsCEM GABAY37 Prostanoids, Aspirin, and Related CompoundsCARLO PATRONO38 Antithrombotic TherapySAM SCHULMAN AND JACK HIRSH39 Complementary and Alternative MedicineADAM PERLMANSECTION VI: GENETICS40 Principles of GeneticsBRUCE R. KORF41 Gene, Genomic, and Chromosomal DisordersSANDESH C.S. NAGAMANI, PAWEL STANKIEWICZ, ANDJAMES R. LUPSKI42 The Inherited Basis of Common DiseasesSEKAR KATHIRESAN AND DAVID ALTSHULER43 Application of Molecular Technologies toClinical MedicineGEOFFREY S. GINSBURG44 Regenerative Medicine, Cell, and Gene TherapiesI IOR GEPSTEIN AND KARL SKORECKISECTION VII: PRINCIPLES OF IMMUNOLOGY ANDINFLAMMATION45 The Innate Immune SystemMARY K. CROW46 The Adaptive Immune SystemJOSEPH CRAFTVOLUME II

