

作者:(英)W.毛姆(W. Somerset







月亮与六便士 本书特色

  w. 毛姆(1874年 – 1965),是19世纪的“70后”。他以剧作家、小说家而闻名于世。而其小说受欢迎程度,可以从出版商支付的版税里窥视得出来。他是20世纪30年代版税*高获得者。
 为什么叫“月亮与六便士”?其实,用毛姆自己的话说,这个书名的意义并没有在书里得到应有的展示,而是出自某评论家在评论上述《人性的枷锁》(参见“*经典英语文库”**辑书目)时所写的某句话。原话如下:《人性的枷锁》里的主人公菲利普•凯利(philip carey)被形容为一个太过执着找寻月亮的家伙,以至于他从来就没发现过脚底下就有一块六便士。毛姆后来这样解释道:“假如你低头在地上不住地要找寻一块六便士硬币,头也不抬起来一下,那么,你就会丢掉月亮。”

月亮与六便士 内容简介

说实在的, 我刚认识查尔斯·史崔兰那会儿, 并未发觉他有什么与众不同之处, 今天却很少有人否认他的伟大。我说的这个伟大指的可不是成为走运的政客或者立功的士兵的那种伟大……

月亮与六便士 目录

contents   chapter 1 / 1chapter 2 / 7 chapter 3 / 11 chapter 4 / 14chapter 5 / 18chapter 6 / 21 chapter 7 / 24 chapter 8 / 26 chapter 9 / 33chapter 10 / 36chapter 11 / 42chapter 12 / 47chapter 13 / 55 chapter 14 / 58 chapter 15 / 62 chapter 16 / 69chapter 17 / 71 chapter 18 / 73chapter 19 / 762the moon and sixpence chapter 20 / 83 chapter 21 / 87chapter 22 / 94chapter 23 / 97chapter 24 / 101chapter 25 / 106chapter 26 / 111chapter 27 / 116 chapter 28 / 118 chapter 29 / 125chapter 30 / 129chapter 31 / 133 chapter 32 / 137chapter 33 / 140 chapter 34 / 143chapter 35 / 147chapter 36 / 150chapter 37 / 152……

月亮与六便士 相关资料


月亮与六便士 作者简介

William Somerset Maugham
      William Somerset Maugham (25 January 1874-16 December 1965) was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer. He was among the most popular writers of his era and reputedly the highest paid author during the 1930s.
      After losing both his parents by the age of 10, Maugham was raised by a paternal uncle who was emotionally cold. Not wanting to become a lawyer like other men in his family, Maugham eventually trained and qualified as a doctor. The first run of his first novel, Liza of Lambeth (1897), sold out so rapidly that Maugham gave up medicine to write full-time.
     During the First World War, he served with the Red Cross and in the ambulance corps, before being recruited in 1916 into the British Secret Intelligence Service, for which he worked in Switzerland and Russia before the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. During and after the war, he traveled in India and Southeast Asia; all of these experiences were reflected in later short stories and novels.

