☆ 英国BBC评选《傲慢与偏见》“有史以来*伟大的100部小说”第2名。
☆ 1985年入选美国《生活》杂志评选出的“人类有史以来的佳书”,且位居第四。
☆ 自1940年以来,《傲慢与偏见》被多次改编成电影。
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
《昂秀书虫·世界经典文学名著系列:傲慢与偏见(全英文版)》: Not all that Mrs. Bennet, however, with the assistance of her five daughters, could ask on the subject was sufficient to draw from her husband any satisfactory description of Mr. Bingley. They attacked him in various ways - with barefaced questions, ingenious suppositions, and distant surmises - but he eluded the skill of them all; and they were at last obliged to accept the secondhand intelligence of their neighbour Lady Lucas. Her report was highly favourable. Sir William had been delighted with him. He was quite young, wonderfully handsome, extremely agreeable, and to crown the whole, he meant to be at the next assembly with a large party. Nothing could be more delightful! To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love; and very lively hopes of Mr. Bingley's heart were entertained. "If I can but see one of my daughters happily settled at Netherfield,"said Mrs. Bennet to her husband, "and all the others equally well married,I shall have nothing to wish for." In a few days Mr. Bingley returned Mr. Bennet's visit, and sat about ten minutes with him in his library. He had entertained hopes of being admitted to a sight of the young ladies, of whose beauty he had heard much; but he saw only the father. The ladies were somewhat more fortunate, for they had the advantage of ascertaining from an upper window that he wore a blue coat and rode a black horse. An invitation to dinner was soon afterwards dispatched; and already had Mrs. Bennet planned the courses that were to do credit to her housekeeping, when an answer arrived which deferred it all. Mr.Bingley was obliged to be in town the following day, and consequently unable to accept the honour of their invitation, etc. Mrs. Bennet was quite disconcerted. She could not imagine what business he could have in town so soon after his arrival in Hertfordshire; and she began to fear that he might be always flying about from one place to another, and never settled at Netherfield as he ought to be. Lady Lucas quieted her fears a little by starting the idea of his being gone to London only to get a large party for the ball, and a report soon followed that Mr. Bingley was to bring twelve ladies and seven gentlemen with him to the assembly. The girls grieved over such a number of ladies; but were comforted the day before the ball by hearing that, instead of twelve, he had brought only six with him from London, his five sisters and a cousin. And when the party entered the assembly room, it consisted of only five altogether; Mr. Bingley, his two sisters, the husband of the eldest, and another young man. Mr. Bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. His sisters were fine women,with an air of decided fashion. His brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his friend Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mienand the report which was in general circulation within five minutes after his entrance of his having ten thousand a year. The gentlemen pronounced him to be a fine figure of a man, the ladies declared he was much handsomer than Mr. Bingley, and he was looked at with great admiration for about half the evening, till his manners gave a disgust which tumed the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud,to be above his company, and above being pleased; and not all his large estate in Derbyshire could then save him from having a most forbidding,disagreeable countenance, and being unworthy to be compared with his friend. ……
%简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen),1775-1817,英国著名小说家。她生于英国汉普郡的史蒂文顿,兄弟姐妹八人。父亲在该地担任了四十多年的教区长,母亲出身于比较富有的家庭,也具有一定的文化修养。她在十三四岁就开始写东西。1796年,21岁的奥斯汀写成她的第 一部小说,题名《最初的印象》。同年,她又开始写《埃莉诺与玛丽安》,以后她又写《诺桑觉寺》,于1799年写完。十几年后,《最初的印象》经过改写,换名为《傲慢与偏见》,《埃莉诺与玛丽安》经过改写,换名为《理智与情感》,分别得到出版。
简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen),1775-1817,英国著名小说家。她生于英国汉普郡的史蒂文顿,兄弟姐妹八人。父亲在该地担任了四十多年的教区长,母亲出身于比较富有的家庭,也具有一定的文化修养。她在十三四岁就开始写东西。1796年,21岁的奥斯汀写成她的第 一部小说,题名《最初的印象》。同年,她又开始写《埃莉诺与玛丽安》,以后她又写《诺桑觉寺》,于1799年写完。十几年后,《最初的印象》经过改写,换名为《傲慢与偏见》,《埃莉诺与玛丽安》经过改写,换名为《理智与情感》,分别得到出版。
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