Master the art of communication to improve outcomes in any scenario
Simply Said is the essential handbook for business communication. Do you ever feel as though your message hasn't gotten across? Do details get lost along the way? Have tense situations ever escalated unnecessarily? Do people buy into your ideas? It all comes down to communication. We all communicate, but few of us do it well. From tough presentations to everyday transactions, there is no scenario that cannot be improved with better communication skills. This book presents an all-encompassing guide to improving your communication, based on the Exec|Comm philosophy: we are all better communicators when we focus focus less on ourselves and more on other people. More than just a list of tips, this book connects skills with scenarios and purpose to help you hear and be heard. You'll learn the skills to deliver great presentations and clear and persuasive messages, handle difficult conversations, effectively manage, lead with authenticity and more, as you discover the secrets of true communication.
Communication affects every interaction every day. Why not learn to do it well? This book provides comprehensive guidance toward getting your message across, and getting the results you want.
Shift your focus from yourself to other people
Build a reputation as a good listener
Develop your written and oral communications for the greatest impact
Inspire and influence others
Communicate more effectively in any business or social situation
Did that email come across as harsh? Did you offend someone unintentionally? Great communication skills give you the power to influence someone's thinking and guide them to where you need them to be. Simply Said teaches you the critical skills that make you more effective in business and in life.
Jay Sullivan is an award-winning author and the Managing Partner at Exec|Comm, LLC. Whether coaching individuals one-on-one or working with groups, Jay helps professionals from global organizations have greater impact through communication. As a contributing writer on, he shares insights on leadership, communication, and careers. He wrote The Art of Communication col...
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