Perspective is a discipline often set aside when it comes to general art study, though it is essential to master in order to produce any piece of art that is and feels realistic. Framed Perspective 1 equips artists with the technical knowledge needed to produce successful visual storytelling-related drawings: from understanding the basics of the space around us and how we perceive it, all the way to more sophisticated endeavors, like creating entire locations that will become the believable set ups our characters and stories will happen within. As intimidating as perspective may seem, best-selling author and artist Marcos Mateu-Mestre delivers each lesson in an accessible and informative way that takes the mystery out of achieving successful scenes. The book includes extensive step-by-step practical explanations of how to build objects and environments of all sorts, taking that first sketch to a fully rendered artwork with many of his finished illustrations as examples. Sure to be the most popular book in your art library, it will train you to see the world in a way that allows you to enjoy every curve and slope you see in it and, more importantly, translate that vision into art with accuracy and a great sense and understanding of depth and proportion. Your perspective will never be the same!
Born in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, Marcos Mateu-Mestre is a visual concept, traditional animation layout, and graphic novel artist with 25 years of experience in feature animation. Some of his film credits include Balto, The Prince of Egypt, Asterix and the Vikings, Surf’s Up, and How to Train your Dragon 2. His work in film, primarily for DreamWorks Animation and Sony Pictures ...
直到战争结束后,人们才意识到,带来末日的并非战争。「Sentre Stimulus TLE」头盔,这台原本将要引领人类走向伊甸园的虚幻装置,于1996年更新至M...
从公堂走向法庭-清末民初诉讼制度改革研究 本书特色 《从公堂走向法庭:清末民初诉讼制度改革研究》为中国政法大学出版社出版。从公堂走向法庭-清末民初诉讼制度改革研...
作者简介杰弗瑞·菲佛(Jeffrey Pfeffer),斯坦福大学著名组织行为学教授,曾在哈佛商学院、伦敦商学院、西班牙IESE商学院担任
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Based on an original new story by J.K. Rowling, Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, a ...
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农用车使用与维修精华 本书特色 本书内容是作者进行农机培训的精华,是农用车使用与维修维护入门的基础教程,通过闻答的形式,介绍农用车结构、使用、维护和维修的知识,...
基于智能移动终端的行为识别方法研究 内容简介 本书共8章, 分别是引言、行为数据采集和特征提取、非特定传感器行为识别的方法、非特定位置行为识别方法、非特定人行为...
This much acclaimed book, newly available in paperback, is the definitive retros...
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村上春树(1949- ),日本小说家。曾在早稻田大学文学部戏剧科就读。1979年,他的第一部小说《听风之歌》问世后,即被搬上了银幕。随后,他的优秀作品《1973...
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