








小沙弥 内容简介

中国*部西藏小沙弥传奇成长史; 藏族作家、现任中国文联副主席、中国作协名誉副主席丹增半自传体中长篇小说集;丹增3岁入佛门,14岁脱掉袈裟赴内地求学,39岁成为西藏自治区副书记,做过活佛,曾任政界、文化界等多种要职,屡获各种文化大奖…他的人生充满传奇。

小沙弥 本书特色

半个世纪前的西藏有着怎样的神秘往事?转世活佛有着怎样不寻常的艰难经历?六百多年前,藏传佛教格鲁派创始人宗喀巴大师创造了什么样的神奇?六百年后,他的法体又遭遇了什么样的劫难?佛法故事、民间传说、艺人说唱…何为活佛,何为马帮,何为藏药,何为唐卡,何为藏族人心中对死的理解…Half a century ago, a young Tibetan shepherd is revealed to be a living Buddha and is plunged into a world of sky burials and scripture learning, boyish pranks and sublime miracles. 600 years ago, a revolutionary teacher performs miracles and creates whole new school of Buddhism. During the Cultural Revolution, as temples and relics are smashed to pieces about them, a few brave faithful risk their lives to protect the Buddhist legacy.A mix of Buddhist legends, folk stories and modern reportage, Little Novice provides new insight into the turbulent and intriguing history of Buddhism in Tibet.

小沙弥 目录

Contents Jiang Gong 1My Childhood Dreams 108My Birthdays and Hadas 128The Waters of Shuiding Temple 222The Dogs of Tibet 237Secrets in Catastrophe 263The Second Lord Buddha 297My Older Cousin, The Monk 320Shangri - La 361Bingzhongluo 386Appendix 411

小沙弥 作者简介

丹增,西藏人。复旦大学新闻系新闻专业毕业。毕业于上海复旦大学。曾任西藏自治区、云南省委副书记。现任中国笔会中心会长。在2005、2006年接连被评为中国文化产业人物,并荣获2007年中国创意产业杰出贡献奖。Tenzin , born in Tibet, studied journalism at Fudan University, Shanghai. He previously held posts as Deputy Party Secretary of the Tibet Autonomous Region and deputy Secretary of Yunnan Province. He is currently President of the Chinese PEN centre. In 2005 and 2006, he was recognized by a series of awards for his work in the cultural industries, and in 2007 he won the Award for Outstanding Contribution in China’s Creative Industry.

