








三年级-小学英语阅读入门与提高 内容简介


三年级-小学英语阅读入门与提高 本书特色


三年级-小学英语阅读入门与提高 目录

基础篇看图训练ONE Family membersTWO Body partsTHREE ColorsFOUR NumbersFIVE SportsSIX AnimalsSEVEN Food and drinksEIGHT Fruit and vegetablesNINE Seasons and weatherTEN Jobs语句训练ONE What's your name?TWO What's this?THREE I'm eight years oldFOUR I feel happyFIVE Where is my cat?SIX How many books do you have?SEVEN I can swimEIGHT I like soccerNINE What time is it?TEN I would like some soup会话训练ONE GreetingsTWO IntroductionTHREE On a farmFOUR In a storeFIVE MealtimeSIX Birthday talkSEVEN Ask the wayEIGHT At homeNINE Talk about school lifeTEN Talk about hobbies提高篇1. My school day2. Our new teachers3. At the zoo4. Colorful balls5. Friends6. My two little rabbits7. I love books8. Our school9. My money box10. A surprise gift11. I couldn't find my way home12. I don't like her13. Take care, of your teeth14. Favorite food15. Guess who I am16. Music fan17. A ship tour18. Birthday19. The sea20. I love my morn21. The moon22. Do you like me?23. A dog24. Four seasons25. April Fools' Day26. A fat woman27. Take a nap28. Elephants29. Mike's sehedule30. My bedroom31. What ean they do?32. My bird33. Three ggod friends34. Drying the lee in the sun35. Choosing oranges36. My new house37. Sports day38. I like pandas best39. Miss Yang40. A hen with long legs41. On a bus42. The Sun, the Moon and the Cloud43. The clever fox44. Can I borrow your shears?45. My grandpa's farm46. The ant and the dove47. The rooster and the jewel48. Building blocks49. The rabbit and the tortoise50. Names51. Lazy Sara52. The bear and the two travelers53. The deer54. The crow and the frog55. An angry little boy56. A toy show57. I am not at home58. The proud rainbow59. Teddy bear60. Is this a UFO?61. A man who knows the weather62. I can't see anyone in the pool63. Watching TV64. Chinese New Year65. One lion and four horses66. "Back to school" shopping67. Half of a cake68. I can see you69. Ants参考答案%

三年级-小学英语阅读入门与提高 作者简介


三年级-小学英语阅读入门与提高 作者简介


