Rediscover the groundbreaking magic of Blade Runner with this revised and updated edition of the classic guide to Ridley Scott’s transformative film—and published in anticipation of its sequel, Blade Runner 2049, premiering October 2017 and starring Ryan Gosling, Jared Leto, Robin Wright, and Harrison Ford.
Ridley Scott’s 1992 "Director’s Cut" confirmed the international film cognoscenti’s judgment: Blade Runner, based on Philip K. Dick’s brilliant and troubling science fiction masterpiece Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, is the most visually dense, thematically challenging, and influential science fiction film ever made. Future Noir offers a deeper understanding of this cult phenomenon that is storytelling and visual filmmaking at its best.
In this intensive, intimate and anything-but-glamorous behind-the-scenes account, film insider and cinephile Paul M. Sammon explores how Ridley Scott purposefully used his creative genius to transform the work of science fiction’s most uncompromising author into a critical sensation, a commercial success, and a cult classic that would reinvent the genre. Sammon reveals how the making of the original Blade Runner was a seven-year odyssey that would test the stamina and the imagination of writers, producers, special effects wizards, and the most innovative art directors and set designers in the industry at the time it was made. This revised and expanded edition of Future Noir includes:
An overview of Blade Runner’s impact on moviemaking and its acknowledged significance in popular culture since the book’s original publication
An exploration of the history of Blade Runner: The Final Cut and its theatrical release in 2007
An up-close look at its long-awaited sequel Blade Runner 2049
A 2007 interview with Harrison Ford now available to American readers
Exclusive interviews with Rutger Hauer and Sean Young
A fascinating look at the ever-shifting interface between commerce and art, illustrated with production photos and stills, Future Noir provides an eye-opening and enduring look at modern moviemaking, the business of Hollywood, and one of the greatest films of all time.
Paul M. Sammon's distinctive career can best be described by the film industry expression "hyphenate."
As a writer, Sammon has published numerous articles, short stories and books. His many film journalism pieces have seen print in The American Cinematographer, Cahiers du Cinema, The Los Angeles Times, Omni, Cinefex, and Cinefantastique. Sammon's fiction has appeared in Peter S...
作者马克•道格拉斯( Mark Douglas) 金融交易心理辅导师。1978年起开始金融投资。1981年加入美林,在芝加哥期货交易所操盘。1983年创设交易行...
感动全球50万读者的自然文学新经典深入北美原住民的生活,对生态保护的跨文化反思印第安裔女科学家、梭罗奖得主基默尔的畅销力作-----------【编辑推荐】★ ...
明医心鉴-历代名医临床经验集粹 本书特色本书为天津中医药大学中医各家学说学科带头人秦玉龙教授及其博士研究生与硕士研究生们研究“中医历代名医临床经验”的成果。古人...
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作品目录前言第一卷第一章 玛妮雅第二章 悲哀日子第三章 少年时期第四章 职务第五章 家庭女教师第六章 长期忍耐第二卷第八章 巴
【作者简介】蔡九迪(Judith T. Zeitlin),1988年获得哈佛大学博士学位,现任芝加哥大学东亚语言文明系讲座教授,主要研究方向为明清文学、戏剧和视...
作品目录前言亦舒的黒亦舒的白亦舒的灰后记· · · · · ·
作品目录第五章 倩女灵苏第六章 知音可赏第七章 星隐真人第八章 唇枪心剑· · · · · ·
著者:劳拉·英格斯·怀德(Laura Ingalls Wilder)美国著名儿童文学作家,出生于美国北部威斯康星州。童年的生活足迹几乎遍及美国西部,为她日后创作...
免疫学技术 内容简介 本书由上海交通大学医学院免疫学教研室、上海市免疫学研究所组织编写,涵盖了基础免疫学与临床免疫学的经典的实验技术。全书共分十六章,约200余...