许渊冲--诗译英法*人 ,北京大学教授,翻译家。希望这套许氏译本能使英语读者对中国经典诗文也能“知之,好之,乐之”,能够分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西文化的交流。值得珍藏。许渊冲先生从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。他被称为将中国诗词译成英法韵文的*专家,经他的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文和法文韵语。这套“中国经典诗文集”就是由他所译,前半部分是英文,后半部分是中文。Ancient Chinese classic poems are exquisite works of art. As far as 2,000 years ago, Chinese poets composed the beautiful work Book of Poetry and Elegies of the South, Later, they created more splendid Tang poetry and Song lyrics. Such classic works as Thus Spoke the Master and Laws: Divine and Human were extremely significant in building and shaping the culture of the Chinese nation. These works are both a cultural bond linking the thoughts and affections of Chinese people and an important bridge for Chinese culture and the world. Mr. Xu Yuanchong has been engaged in translation for 70 years. In December 2010, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the Translators Association of China (TAC). He is honored as the only expert who translates Chinese poems into both English and French. After his excellent interpretation, many Chinese classic poems have been further refined into perfect English and French rhymes. This collection of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose gathers his most representative English translations. It includes the classic works Thus Spoke the Master, Laws: Divine and Human and dramas such as Romance of the Western Bower, Dream in Peony Pavilion,Love in Long-life Hall and Peach Blossom Painted with Blood. The largest part of the collection includes the translation of selected poems from different dynasties. The selection includes various types of poems, lyrics and Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty songs. The selected works start from the pre-Qin era to the Qing Dynasty, covering almost the entire history of classic poems in China. Reading these works is like tasting "living water from the source" of Chinese culture. We hope this collection will help English readers "know, love and appreciate" Chinese classic poems, share the intelligence of Confucius and Lao Tzu, share the gracefulness of Tang Dynasty poems, Song lyrics and classic operas and songs and promote exchanges between Eastern and Western culture.This book is one of the 14 books of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose, a translation of Confucian classics Thus Spoke the Master.许渊冲--诗译英法*人 ,北京大学教授,翻译家。希望这套许氏译本能使英语读者对中国经典诗文也能“知之,好之,乐之”,能够分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西文化的交流。值得珍藏。许渊冲先生从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”。他被称为将中国诗词译成英法韵文的*专家,经他的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文和法文韵语。这套“中国经典诗文集”就是由他所译,前半部分是英文,后半部分是中文。Ancient Chinese classic poems are exquisite works of art. As far as 2,000 years ago, Chinese poets composed the beautiful work Book of Poetry and Elegies of the South, Later, they created more splendid Tang poetry and Song lyrics. Such classic works as Thus Spoke the Master and Laws: Divine and Human were extremely significant in building and shaping the culture of the Chinese nation. These works are both a cultural bond linking the thoughts and affections of Chinese people and an important bridge for Chinese culture and the world. Mr. Xu Yuanchong has been engaged in translation for 70 years. In December 2010, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the Translators Association of China (TAC). He is honored as the only expert who translates Chinese poems into both English and French. After his excellent interpretation, many Chinese classic poems have been further refined into perfect English and French rhymes. This collection of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose gathers his most representative English translations. It includes the classic works Thus Spoke the Master, Laws: Divine and Human and dramas such as Romance of the Western Bower, Dream in Peony Pavilion,Love in Long-life Hall and Peach Blossom Painted with Blood. The largest part of the collection includes the translation of selected poems from different dynasties. The selection includes various types of poems, lyrics and Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty songs. The selected works start from the pre-Qin era to the Qing Dynasty, covering almost the entire history of classic poems in China. Reading these works is like tasting "living water from the source" of Chinese culture. We hope this collection will help English readers "know, love and appreciate" Chinese classic poems, share the intelligence of Confucius and Lao Tzu, share the gracefulness of Tang Dynasty poems, Song lyrics and classic operas and songs and promote exchanges between Eastern and Western culture.This book is one of the 14 books of Classical Chinese Poetry and Prose, a translation of Confucian classics Thus Spoke the Master.
丛书译者为许渊冲先生,其从事翻译工作70年,2010年12月荣获“中国翻译文化终身成就奖”;2014年8月荣获由国际译联颁发的文学翻译领域*奖项——“北极光”杰出文学翻译奖,成为首位获该奖的亚洲翻译家。经许先生的妙手,许多中国经典诗文被译成出色的英文韵语。这套汉英对照版“许译中国经典诗文集”荟萃许先生*代表性的英文译作14种,汉语部分采用中华书局版本。这些作品包括多种体裁,上起先秦,下至清代,既是联接所有中国人思想、情感的文化纽带,也是中国文化走向世界的重要桥梁。阅读和了解这些作品,即可尽览中国文化的“源头活水”。相信这套许氏译本能使英语读者分享孔子、老子的智慧,分享唐诗、宋词、中国古典戏曲的优美,并以此促进东西方文化的交流。2015年2月2日,由中国出版协会举办的第五届中华优秀出版物奖在京揭晓, “许译中国经典诗文集”(汉英对照)(14册)荣获“提名奖”。
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