作者:Fashionary Team
出版社:Fashionary International Limited
This visual book walks you through the stories of the world's greatest designers, across the decades. Explore each legend's life choices, learn how they adapted to trends and adversities, and discover how the fashion industry has changed over the years.
Filled with pages of timeline and fascinating graphic symbols that put the fashion designers on the fashion world stage. Fun volume shares appraisals of 50 most important fashion designers with their iconic status!
Explore each legend's life choices, learn how they adapted to trends and adversities, and discover stories you may not know.
Each legendary designer's timeline includes the personal information and the career highlight which summarize how they succeeded and become the fashion legend. Discover the wisdom of their quotes and get inspired!
Want to know more about the fun facts like the designer’s major subjects? Their occupation before designing? Age of having their first store? What leads to their fall or success? The statistical & analysis section summarized the critical moments that caused catalysts in their careers and gain insight into their successes!
Founded in 2008, Fashionary is the best-selling fashion sketchbook, a practical tool for professionals who are working at all levels of the fashion industry. The name originated from “Fashion + Dictionary + Diary”.
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