"This is hands-down the best book I’ve read by a former Scientologist.
If you’ve had any interest in the wacky world of Scientology or if you have anyone in your life who struggles with drug addiction or even just under-achievement, buy and read this book. You’ll be glad you did." - Aaron Smith-Levin, Growing up in Scientology
"Scythe Tleppo is a roller coaster ride between these moments of clarity and one shocking scene after another told in brutal detail about the ways Nathan was abused, the ways he abused himself, and his ever downward spiral to homelessness and near-suicidal drug use." - Tony Ortega, The Underground Bunker
"Very powerful and moving. Completely Inspiring. Scientology (like most bullies) will NOT like it the truth being exposed." - Christi Gordon, Children of Scientology
"It is engrossing, heartbreaking and inspiring, depicting a range of abuses and misery that few people have endured while maintaining their sanity, let alone their lives. I can't recommend it enough." - Tara Reile, Scientology and the Aftermath
Scythe Tleppo is an inspirational true story of a boy escaping the clutches of a cult, homelessness, emotional decimation, and rampant drug abuse.
It's a story of surviving on the streets, completely without family, friends or hope - of how to overcome against all odds; of will to carry on.
Born into Scientology, Nathan resisted indoctrination from the start. Eventually he was sent to the cult’s infamously abusive Mace-Kingsley Ranch, at age eight, and again at age fourteen. He was not allowed contact with his family for nearly three years. After finally getting away, his family disowned him.
He lived for seven long years homeless and without hope. Drugs, violence and despair plagued his mind until he was finally able to rise out of the gutter, face his past and live in the present.
From wild LSD experiences to gangs and past life recall, Nathan bears all in this brutally open memoir.
Nathan Rich grew up in Scientology. He was disowned by his entire family after spending four years in Scientology's infamously abusive Mace-Kingsley Ranch. He appeared on the Emmy award winning "A&E's Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath" in October, 2017. He hopes to share his inspirational story of overcoming indoctrination and homeless to the world.
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