This eye-opening book describes how modern technologies--such as computers, automobiles, machine tools, hybrid crops, nuclear reactors, and others--contribute to vexing social problems ranging from the continued subordination of women and workers to widespread political disengagement. Engineers, manufacturers, and policy makers rarely take these consequences into account. Contending that reinvigorated democratic politics can and should supersede conventional economic reasoning as a basis for decisions about technology, Richard Sclove clearly outlines how the general public can become actively involved in all phases of technology decision making, from assessment and policy making to research and development. For half a century, the Cold War provided the rationale for U.S. science and technology policies. The demise of the Cold War, Sclove argues, provides an ideal opportunity to reformulate technology decision making and design, making them more responsive to social needs. Synthesizing recent research into the social dimensions of technology with democratic theory, the author develops an innovative, practical framework for distinguishing technologies that are compatible with true democratic ideals from those that are not. The text abounds in well-researched examples from all over the world and throughout history of societies that have used technology to enhance their way of life without sacrificing their ideals or traditions, as well as those where technology has completely disrupted prior patterns of community life. Drawing valuable lessons from these studies, Sclove offers concrete suggestions for implementing political and institutional strategies that will create a more sustainable, socially responsive, and humane technology.
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A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition p...
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姚察(533—606),字伯审, 南朝吴兴武康(今浙江杭州西北)人, 南朝历 史学家,先后在梁、陈、隋三朝做官,参与修史工作。他在陈朝时,开始撰梁、陈二史,未成...
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The lowland Philippines, in contrast to the apparently "exotic", "tribal" areas,...
作品目录自然的启示1 湖泊2 花园3 生存的问题4 橡树5 自由就是秩序6 聪慧7 河流8 何谓关系9 平凡的心思想的凝集1 孤独
作品目录第1章 扫除使生活更美好居家扫除应该怎么做 8丢掉“扫除=每天必做”的先入之见 8给扫除排一个先后顺序 8如何减少扫除量