Enter astrange world where witches cast evil spells and eat plump children fordinner,where kings set impossible tasks for their daughters' suitors; where animals can help the good and trae; where once a vow is made,it must be honoured or someone will suffer the comsequences.
Some of the fairy tales will be familiar such as"Hansel and Gretel","Cinderella", “Rapunzel”,“Briar Rose" and "Little snow- White',Others are less well-knowm but equallycompelling,with unforgettable chafacters lide the boy whocould not shiver the greedy.fiSherman's wife and the clever tailor who killedseven with one blow.All are cautionary tales about good and evil,wisdom and foolishness, honesly and deception,snd the danters of Ventuting along into the forest.prepare to be beguileld!
Jacob Grimm was born im Hanau, Germany ,in 1785 and his brother Wilhelm followed in 1786:they were the second and third children in a family of eight brothrs and ome sister. Thty began to study law at theUnoversily of marburgbut after thelr mother'sdeath they took jobs aslibrariands in Kassel tOsupport their younger SibIings
Working in a library helped them intheir queSt to coIIect as many German foIk talesandmyths as lhey could flnd .in 1812,they pubIished the first volume of tfleir Children's and Household Tales compnslng eighty-six stories,thena second volume in 1814 added another seventy,and theycontinued to include more in each subsequent edition.The brothers alsobegana German etym ologicaldiclioflary,which later scholars finally completed in l960,and Jacob formuIated'Grimm's Law'a ruIe about the way conspmamt cjamges have occurred in some Eunopean languages.
The brothers'lives continued to run in paralleI They bothheId universIlyposts at Gottingen andBerIin and became involved in political protests One main difference was that wilhelm married while Jacob did not .They had resigned by 1852 to devote themselves full-time to their research:wilhelm died in 1859 andJacob inl 1863.
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