Take an unforgettable time-travelling journey through Chinese history with this beautifully illustrated history book for children. Spanning 2,500 years and 1,794 km (1,115 miles), from Hangzhou in the south to Beijing in the north, China Through Time tells the fascinating story of China's Grand Canal - the world's longest and oldest canal. Meet emperors, armies, and soldiers from early Chinese history, and follow the construction and development of the Grand Canal up the present day.
Stunning, panoramic illustrations and lively, engaging text bring key periods and turning points in the canal's history to life. Cutaway views showing the interior of boats and buildings, picture pull-outs surrounding each double-page illustration, and simple annotations highlighting important characters and places provide a wealth of detail that will stimulate children's interest in the history of China. Children will also love searching for the time-travelling cat who appears in the artworks, drawing them further into the hustle and bustle of each scene.
Perfect for parents and children to pore over and discuss together time and again, China Through Time also makes a gorgeous gift or collector's item. Fun, interactive, and packed with compelling detail, it vividly presents Chinese history to children as they have never seen it before.
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