Invent & Wander

Invent & Wander

作者:Jeff Bezos

出版社:Harvard Business Review Press







In Jeff Bezos’s own words, the core principles and philosophy that have guided him in creating, building, and leading Amazon and Blue Origin.

In this collection of Jeff Bezos’s writings—his unique and strikingly original annual shareholder letters, plus numerous speeches and interviews that provide insight into his background, his work, and the evolution of his ideas—you’ll gain an insider’s view of the why and how of his success.

Spanning a range of topics across business and public policy, from innovation and customer obsession to climate change and outer space, this book provides a rare glimpse into how Bezos thinks about the world and where the future might take us.

Written in a direct, down-to-earth style, Invent and Wander offers readers a master class in business values, strategy, and execution:

The importance of a Day 1 mindset

Why “it’s all about the long term”

What it really means to be customer obsessed

How to start new businesses and create significant organic growth in an already successful company

Why culture is an imperative

How a willingness to fail is closely connected to innovation

What the Covid-19 pandemic has taught us

Each insight offers new ways of thinking through today’s challenges—and more importantly, tomorrow’s—and the never-ending urgency of striving ahead, never resting on one’s laurels. Everyone from CEOs of the Fortune 100 to entrepreneurs just setting up shop to the millions who use Amazon’s products and services in their homes or businesses will come to understand the principles that have driven the success of one of the most important innovators of our time.


杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos):毕业于普林斯顿大学,互联网巨头亚马逊公司创始人、董事长兼CEO,华盛顿邮报大股东之一。他于1995年创办亚马逊公司并于2年后带领公司成功上市。2018年以1120亿美元财富,成为有史以来最富有的人,2018~2021连续四年成为世界首富,2021年以1770亿美元财富位列福布斯富豪榜第1名。

沃尔特·艾萨克森:阿斯彭研究所(Aspen Institute)执行总裁,曾任有线新闻电视网(CNN)主席和《时代》(Time)周刊总编。他的著作有《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》《富兰克林传》和《基辛格传》等。

