The Market Wizards are back! Unknown Market Wizards continues in the three-decade tradition of the hugely popular Market Wizards series, interviewing exceptionally successful traders to learn how they achieved their extraordinary performance results. The twist in Unknown Market Wizards is that the featured traders are individuals trading their own accounts. They are unknown to the investment world. Despite their anonymity, these traders have achieved performance records that rival, if not surpass, the best professional managers. Some of the stories include: - A trader who turned an initial account of $2,500 into $50 million. - A trader who achieved an average annual return of 337% over a 13-year period. - A trader who made tens of millions using a unique approach that employed neither fundamental nor technical analysis. - A former advertising executive who used classical chart analysis to achieve a 58% average annual return over a 27-year trading span. - A promising junior tennis player in the UK who abandoned his quest for a professional sporting career for trading and generated a nine-year track record with an average annual return just under 300%. World-renowned author and trading expert Jack D. Schwager is our guide. His trademark knowledgeable and sensitive interview style encourages the Wizards to reveal the fascinating details of their training, experience, tactics, strategies, and their best and worst trades. There are dashes of humour and revelations about the human side of trading throughout. The result is a engrossing new collection of trading wisdom, brimming with insights that can help all traders improve their outcomes.
Jack D. Schwager is a recognized industry expert on futures and hedge funds, and the author of the iconic Market Wizards series in which he interviewed many of the trading legends of our time. Previous books in the series include: Market Wizards (1989), The New Market Wizards (1992), Stock Market Wizards (2001), Hedge Fund Market Wizards (2012), and The Little Book of Market Wi...
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