It took me a lifetime to have the courage and the clarity to write my memoir. I want to tell the story of the moments - the ups and downs, the triumphs and traumas, the debacles and the dreams, that contributed to the person I am today. Though there have been countless stories about me throughout my career and very public personal life, it’s been impossible to communicate the complexities and depths of my experience in any single magazine article or a ten-minute television interview. And even then, my words were filtered through someone else’s lens, largely satisfying someone else’s assignment to define me.
This book is composed of my memories, my mishaps, my struggles, my survival and my songs. Unfiltered. I went deep into my childhood and gave the scared little girl inside of me a big voice. I let the abandoned and ambitious adolescent have her say, and the betrayed and triumphant woman I became tell her side.
Writing this memoir was incredibly hard, humbling and healing. My sincere hope is that you are moved to a new understanding, not only about me, but also about the resilience of the human spirit.
Mariah Carey is an American artist of Black and Irish ancestry.
She is an award-winning singer, songwriter, producer, actress, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She has recorded 15 studio albums and holds numerous industry records, including the most number-one singles of any solo artist in history.
She has received many accolades, honors, and distinctions throughout her career...
环境地学导论 内容简介 本书以作者多年的工作经验和研究成果为基础,结合国内外的研究进展与发展趋势,综合全球环境变化热点问题及新资料编写而成。本书从地球系统的整体...
约翰·史崔勒基John Strelecky(1969-)他和书里那个“约翰”一样,曾经非常迷茫。他本来拥有 MBA 学位,在企业工作多年。32岁那年,他突然和妻...
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畅销全球25年的电影语法教程曾一对一指导迈克尔·杰克逊的金牌导师大师课堂分享《死侍》预演Previz示例与韦斯·安德森《月升王国》等海量故事板◎ 编辑推荐世界各...
行烟烟: 85后女,曾留学于法国与美国,现居上海。 言情及幻想小说作家,曾出版多部简体及繁体图书。作品有《赋花澜》《欢天喜帝》《江山为聘》等。
安晓辉,知乎优秀答主,关注者15万,回答被阅读3000多万次,被收藏20多万次。职业规划师 / 畅销书作者 / 程序员 / DISC认证讲师和顾问 / 知乎职业...
小川隆(OGAWA Takashi),1961年生于日本。1983年毕业于驹泽大学佛教学部禅学科,1990年毕业于该校佛教学专业博士课程。1986年9月—198...
樱庭一树Sakuraba Kazuki生于日本鸟取县。1999年以《夜空中满天繁星》获法米通大奖;2003年起,创作小说《GOSICK》系列受到读者热烈回应;2...
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