This book provides a first-hand account of land conflict and power relations in one of the most resource-rich states in India — Jharkhand. Through the eyes of the state, corporate, and indigenous actors, it reveals how conflict over land in Jharkhand is firmly embedded in the ideological foundations of the key actors in the region. Based on thorough research on the ground and interviews with state, corporate, and indigenous actors, the book explores a host of themes such as: the need and efficacy of state-led modernisation programmes, the market as the best regulator, and ‘ideas’ of development. The volume highlights how land conflicts in Jharkhand will persist until the ideological differences are recognised and welcomed in hopes of making way for collaborative governance.
This work will be a key intervention in the fields of area studies, especially South Asian studies, public policy, politics, and development studies.
Gautam Pingali completed his doctoral dissertation at the University of Technology Sydney, with a specific focus on the impact of mining on indigenous communities. He grew up in Jharkhand, India and frequently witnessed first-hand indigenous protests resulting in city-wide 'bandhs' or strikes. As a social researcher, Gautam sought to develop a deeper understanding of the indige...
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