作者:(英国)Chris Ryan
出版社:Oversea Publishing House
Never has there been a more graphic account of the SAS in action, never a thriller so authentically grounded in the twists and turns of undercover warfare. Geordie Sharp, a sergeant in the SAS, is struggling to pick up the threads of his army career. Wounded in the Gulf War, he returns to Hereford to find his home life in tatters. As he trains with Northern Ireland Troop, a murder in his family fires him with personal hatred of the IRA. Posted to Belfast, he discovers that his adversary is Declan Farrell, a leading player in the Provisional IRA. Sharp sets out to stalk and kill his man.
This is the novel in which SAS Sergeant Geordie Sharp, always a loner and a maverick, finally goes over the edge. He is sent to Moscow to lead a team training the Russian Protection Service, a division of the former KGB, to acquire new anti-terrorist skills. The Russian Mafia is threatening to take control of the country, and Geordie learns, too, of their massive new presence in London. The secret side of his mission is to plant a nuclear device in the sewers of Moscow as protection against any future Russian attack on the UK, a renewed danger in view of fast increasing political volatility and lawlessness. After two of Geordie's team are kidnapped he realizes that Mafia have control of the nuclear device, and he learns subsequently that it is being transported back to the UK.
The SAS mission conducted behind Iraqi lines is one of the most famous stories of courage and survival in modern warfare. Of the eight members of the SAS regiment who set off, only one escaped capture. This is his story. Late on the evening of 24 January 1991 the patrol was compromised deep behind enemy lines in Iraq. A fierce fire-fight left the eight men miraculously unscathed, but they were forced to run for their lives. Their aim was to reach the Syrian border, 120 kilometres to the north-west, but during the first night the patrol accidentally broke into two groups, five and three. Chris Ryan found himself left with two companions. Nothing had prepared them for the vicious cold of the desert winter, and they began to suffer from hypothermia. During the night one of the men was to disappear in a blinding blizzard. The next day a goat-herd came across the two survivors. Chris's remaining partner, went with him in search of food and was never to return. Left on his own, Chris Ryan beat off an Iraqi attack and set out alone. His greatest adventure was only just beginning. This is the story of courage under fire, of hairbreadth escapes, of the best trained soldiers in the world fighting against adverse conditions, and of one man's courageous refusal to lie down and die.
Five men, one robbery: A deadly game of greed, revenge and betrayal is about to begin.
Fresh out of the SAS, Matt Browning is down on his luck. He owes £500,000. If he doesn’t get the money soon, he dies. From nowhere he is offered a lifeline. A hit on Al-Queda, sanctioned and helped by MI5. Matt gathers a small team of former SAS men to steal $10 million in gold and diamonds from the world’s most deadly terrorist organization. MI5 will give them all the equipment and information they need. No charges will ever be pressed.
Matt thinks it’s the perfect crime. Safe, quick, and patriotic, But after the money is stolen, the killing starts. Someone is taking down the members of the team one by one. A silent, expert assassin is stalking the team, gruesomely murdering both them and their families. And Matt
《stand by stank by》
never has there been a more graphic account of the sas in action, never a thriller so authentically grounded in the twists and turns of undercover warfare.
geordie sharp, a sergeant in the sas, is struggling topick up the threads of his army career. wounded in the gulf war, he returns to hereford to find his home life in tatters. as he trains with the northern ireland troop, a murder in his family fires him with personal hatred of the ira. posted to belfast, he discovers that his adversary is declan farrell, a leading player in the provisional ira. sharp sets out to stalk and kill his man.
《land of fire》《the hit list》《the increment》《the kremlin device》《the one that got away》
Chris Ryan was born in 1961 in a village near Newcastle. In 1984 he joined the SAS. During his ten years in the Regiment , he was involved in overt and covert operations and was also Sniper team commander of the anti-terrorist team. During the Gulf War, Chris was the only member of an eight-man team to escape from Iraq, of which three colleagues were killed and four captured. It was the longest escape and evasion in the history of the SAS. For this he was awarded the Military Medal. During Ryan's last two years in the Regiment he selected and trained potential SAS recruits, he left the SAS in 1994 and is now the author of many bestselling thrillers for adults, as well as the Alpha Force and Code Red series for younger readers. His work in security takes him around the world. He has also appeared in a number of TV programmes, including Hunting Chris Ryan, Pushed to the Limit (Toughest Families) and Terror Alert (Sky TV, 2004).
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