A rare, riveting insider’s account on Wall Street—an updated Liar’s Poker—where greed coupled with misogyny and discrimination enforces a culture of exclusion in the upper echelons of Goldman Sachs
Jamie Fiore Higgins became one of the few women at the highest ranks of Goldman Sachs. Spurred on by the obligation she felt to her working-class immigrant family, she rose through the ranks and saw it all: out-of-control, lavish parties flowing with never-ending drinks; affairs flouted in the office; rampant drug use; and most pervasively, a discriminatory culture that seemed designed to hold back the few women and people of color employed at the company.
Despite Goldman Sachs having the right talking points and statistics, Fiore Higgins soon realized that these provided a veneer to cover up what she found to be an abusive culture. Her account is one filled with shocking stories of harassment and jaw-dropping tales of exclusionary behavior: when she was told she only got promoted because she is a woman; when her coworkers mooed at her after she pumped for her fourth child, defying the superior who had advised her not to breastfeed; or when a male boss used a racial epithet in front of her, other colleagues, and clients without any repercussions.
Bully Market sounds the alarm on the culture of finance and corporate America, while offering clear, actionable ideas for creating a fairer workplace. Both a revealing, extraordinary look at the industry and a top Wall Streeter’s explosive personal story, Bully Market is an essential account of one woman’s experience in a flawed system that speaks to the challenge and urgency for change.
Jamie Fiore Higgins worked as a managing director at Goldman Sachs. One of just 8 percent of Goldman employees to earn the managing director title, she was the highest-ranking woman in her department. An active member of the Women’s Network Committee, Fiore Higgins spent her workdays running the trainee and internship programs, recruiting, and managing top equity clients and $9...
辨病辨证方法与实践 内容简介 本书着重探讨了辨病、辩证及治疗方法。在辨病方面探讨了病因诊断、病位诊断、功能诊断、提出病名、判断病情等方法;在辩证方面探讨确定证位...
食疗本草 本书特色 《食疗本草》是我国食疗专著,后世多有引用,是一部研究食疗和营养学的重要文献。它与《黄帝内经》《伤寒杂病论》《千金要方》《本草纲目》等一样,都...
中日共同犯罪比较研究 内容简介 本书就是这些论文和报告文集。因为认识到讨论的重要性,事前安排一些研究生作好记录,并让他们分别对每一题目的文坛论写出综述,将讨论情...
作品目录如何从这本书里获得最大效益原著序――戴尔・卡耐基第一篇 与人相处的基本技巧1 急于称赞,迟于寻错2 发自内心的赞赏3
作品目录自序绪论 当革命成为信仰**章 中国人的关系及信仰模式1.人神关系的中国模式2.天命信仰:权力的表达形式3.宗教资本:出“
作品目录往返书信·来信前言第一部 结构师的方法连接 聚合的方法扩大 发掘的方法利用 日常的方法填充 柔软的方法敏锐 界面的方法
作者简介Ian Goodfellow,谷歌公司(Google) 的研究科学家,2014 年蒙特利尔大学机器学习博士。他的研究兴趣涵盖大多数深度学习主题,特别是生...
精要主义是一种人生思维方式和态度。德语:Weniger aber besser,意思是“更少,但更好”精要的基本价值主张:若要最大限度成就真正重要之事,切忌贪多...
日本刑法通义 目录 目 录绪论**篇 总则**章 法例第二章 刑 第三章 期间计算 第四章 刑之执行犹豫第五章 假出狱第六章 时效第七章 犯罪之不成立及刑之减免...
小郎中学医记-爷孙俩的中医故事-2 本书特色 本书以中药教材为背景,以爷孙俩的行医故事为主线,展现每一味中药平凡而又神奇的一面,以及一个传统中医成长的过程。书里...
赫尔曼·黑塞 (Hermann Hesse,1877——1962)德国作家,诗人。1877年7月2日出生于德国施瓦本地区一个叫卡尔夫的小城。1904年出版《彼得...
作品目录中文版序英文版前言英文版编者序明致读者生活之道1.宁静 1889 Aequanimitas2.老师与学生1892 Teacher and Student...