作者:《Starting a Business AllInOne For Dummies》书籍
Developing Business Plans and Business Models
Starting an Online Business
Franchising and Home-Based Business
Bookkeeping and Accounting
Financial Management
Managing Employees
Marketing and Branding
All the practical advice you need for starting a business
Starting a business? Don't sweat it! Written in plain English and packed with simple, step-by-step instructions, this one-stop reference shows you how to start up our dream business from scratch, write a winning business plan, secure financing, manage your risks successfully, navigate your first year of operation, and much more!
Eureka! You've got it! — develop a business concept, refine and define your business idea, create a business model, and find your target market
Planning is half the battle — write a business plan, find funding, create a website for your business, and keep things legit with the right legal structure
Show me the money — set up the books, understand your profits and losses, keep your cool with cost and budgeting, and satisfy the Tax Man
Rules of management — hire, set goals, embrace corporate social responsibility, coach and mentor employees, and delegate to get things done
If you build it... — optimize your marketing program, strengthen your marketing strategy, take stock of your business image, forge your brand, and create marketing communications that work
Open the book and find:
Guidance if you're considering a franchise
Tips for starting a home-based business
The best ways to manage your business with technology
Step-by-step guidance on keeping on top of the books
Ways to increase employee engagement and motivation
Strategies for overcoming obstacles in starting a business
Invaluable social marketing strategies
ll the practical advice you need for starting a business
Starting a business? Don't sweat it! Reflecting today's unique opportunities and challenges, Starting a Business All-In-One For Dummies is packed with everything you need to manage your personal and business risks and successfully navigate your first year in business. Written in plain English and packed with simple, step-by-step instructions, it shows you how to start up your dream business from scratch, write a winning business plan, secure financing, manage your risks successfully, navigate your first year of operation, and much more!
The information inside is amassed from 11 bestselling For Dummies books, covering everything from franchising and home-based businesses to bookkeeping, accounting, branding, and marketing. If you're a go-getter looking for a way to launch a great idea and be your own boss, Starting a Business All-In-One For Dummies prepares you to beat the odds and become successful in your sector.
Covers proven strategies on successfully branding and marketing your business
Includes step-by-step guidance on keeping on top of the books
Provides coverage of employee engagement and motivating employees
Offers helpful hints for overcoming obstacles in starting a business
Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or an expert looking to innovate, Starting a Business All-In-One For Dummies is the only reference you'll need to start a business from the ground up.
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