This book is designed in making statisticians, researchers, and programmers aware of the awesome new product now available in SAS called Enterprise Miner. The book will also make readers get familiar with the neural network forecasting methodology in statistics. One of the goals to this book is making the powerful new SAS module called Enterprise Miner easy for you to use with step-by-step instructions in creating a Enterprise Miner process flow diagram in preparation to data-mining analysis and neural network forecast modeling. Topics discussed in this book An overview to traditional regression modeling. An overview to neural network modeling. Numerical examples of various neural network designs and optimization techniques. An overview to the powerful SAS product called Enterprise Miner. An overview to the SAS neural network modeling procedure called PROC NEURAL. Designing a SAS Enterprise Miner process flow diagram to perform neural network forecast modeling and traditional regression modeling with an explanation to the various configuration settings to the Enterprise Miner nodes used in the analysis. Comparing neural network forecast modeling estimates with traditional modeling estimates based on various examples from SAS manuals and literature with an added overview to the various modeling designs and a brief explanation to the SAS modeling procedures, option statements, and corresponding SAS output listings.
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