Karel M·Baloun《Inside Facebook》

Karel M·Baloun《Inside Facebook》

作者:Karel M·Baloun

出版社:Trafford Publishing







As an early engineer, I was on the inside during Facebook's explosive growth. In Inside Facebook, I'll give you the scoop on the company as it became the premiere online environment for U.S. college students, including how and by whom the products were made, how you can use them best, views on what makes social networks so valuable, and where the industry is headed. You, too, can achieve startup success and attain your greatest dream; I hope to inspire you toward fulfilling your potential. "Love the book. It captures the ethos of the place and a substantial degree of the vision and drive which is a secret to success." -David Kopp, Sr. Director, Community at Yahoo "Inside Facebook is a compelling look inside at a fascinating moment. It's a riveting read. Karel may be an Engineer, but after reading Inside Facebook you'll see he's a great storyteller. I couldn't get myself to stop reading and wanting more." -Ariel McNichol, CEO of mEgo. "I love the style. It's made for college students, like Facebook. Karel takes you into the personalities and minds behind Facebook. A must read for young entrepreneurs, and anyone into online social networking." -Mohammad Naqvi, UCR, creator of Facebook Notifier at fbQuick.com

