The 3G IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS): Merging the Internet and the Cellular Worlds, Second Edition is an updated version of the best-selling guide to this exciting technology that will merge the Internet with the cellular world, ensuring the availability of Internet technologies such as the web, email, instant messaging, presence and videoconferencing nearly everywhere. In this thoroughly revised overview of the IMS and its technologies, goals, history, vision, the organizations involved in its standardization and architecture, the authors first describe how each technology works on the Internet and then explain how the same technology is adapted to work in the IMS, enabling readers to take advantage of any current and future Internet service.
Key features of the Second Edition include:
New chapter on Next Generation Networks, including an overview on standardization, the architecture, and PSTN/ISDN simulation services.
Fully updated chapter on the Push-to-talk over Cellular (PoC) service, covering the standardization in the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA), architecture, PoC session types, user plane, and the Talk Burst Control Protocol.
Several expanded sections, including discussion of the role of the Open Mobile Alliance in the standardization process, IPv4 support in IMS, a description of the IMS Application Layer Gateway and the Transition Gateway, and a description of the presence data model.
Updated material on the presence service, session-based instant messages with the Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP), and the XML Configuration Access Protocol (XCAP).
Supported by a companion website on which instructors and lecturers can find electronic versions of the figures.
Engineers, programmers, business managers, marketing representatives, and technically aware users will all find this to be an indispensable guide to IMS and the business model behind it.
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