A detailed examination of exterior routing protocols and advanced IP routing issues Routing TCP/IP, Volume II, enables you to: * Master the operational components, configuration, and troubleshooting of BGP-4-the de facto interdomain routing protocol * Understand the operation, configuration, and troubleshooting of NAT * Learn how to deploy, configure, and troubleshoot IP multicast routing through an array of case studies and exercises * Familiarize yourself with the design goals and current state of IPv6, the new generation of the IP protocol * Implement router management through a diverse range of expert-tested methods * Test and validate your knowledge with practical, comprehensive review questions, configuration exercises, and troubleshooting exercises * Further your CCIE preparation while mastering advanced TCP/IP concepts The complexities of exterior gateway protocols, including TCP connections, message states, path attributes, interior routing protocol interoperation, and setting up neighbor connections, require a comprehensive understanding of router operations in order to manage network growth. Routing TCP/IP, Volume II, provides you with the expertise necessary to understand and implement Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGP-4), multicast routing, Network Address Translation (NAT), IPv6, and effective router management techniques. Jeff Doyle's practical approach, easy-to-read format, and comprehensive topic coverage make this book an instant classic and a must-have addition to any network professional's library. Routing TCP/IP, Volume II, expands upon the central theme of Volume I: scalability and management of network growth. Volume II moves beyond the interior gateway protocols covered in Volume I to examine both inter-autonomous system routing and more exotic routing issues such as multicasting and IPv6. This second volume follows the same informational structure used effectively in Volume I: discussing the topic fundamentals, following up with a series of configuration examples designed to show the concept in a real-world environment, and relying on tested troubleshooting measures to resolve any problems that might arise. This book helps you accomplish more than earning the highly valued CCIE number after your name; it also helps you develop the knowledge and skills that are essential to perform your job at an expert level. Whether you are pursuing CCIE certification, need to review for your CCIE recertification exam, or are just looking for expert-level advice on advanced routing issues, Routing TCP/IP, Volume II, helps you understand foundation concepts and apply best practice techniques for effective network growth and management.
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