作者:《Introduction to Digital Communication》书籍
出版社:Prentice Hall
For courses in Digital Communications. Provides a comprehensive and in-depth introduction to the theory and design of digital communications systems. *A broad perspective *Presents a wide range of discussion topics. *Gives students the broad perspective of digital communications. *Unifying notation and review - Chapter 2. *Provided for students who may be fuzzy on basic background. *An introductory chapter on basic digital modulation - Chapter 3. *Allows instructors to design an abbreviated course. *Signal-space methods-Chapter 4-Includes advanced topics such as CPM. *Provides students with a unifying framework for modulation, detection, and coding concepts. *Channel degradations - Chapter 5 *Provides treatment of synchronization effects and fading. *Coding: Block, Convolution and ARQ - Chapters 6, 7, 8 *Includes valuable design information for communications systems. Added are Trellis and Turbo codes. *Spread spectrum communications-Chapter 9. *Provides students with a general information overview and a basis for discussing the IS-95 cellular radio standard. *Introduces digital cellular communications-Chapter 10. *Gives students an introduction to a subject that is more and more pervasive in communications. *Satellite communication systems-Chapter 11 *Introduces satellite communications link analysis, addresses view of cellular satellite communications. *Appendices provide derivations - Includes tables of special functions. *Many applications of MATLAB programs-Useful in communication system design. Others suggested in the computer exercises. *Important pedagogical features:- an average of 30 problems per chapter.- approximately 15 worked examples in each chapter, many with MATLAB programs for ease of computation and advanced design.
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