'This is the most important - and fascinating - book yet written about how the digital age with affect our world' Walter Isaacson, author of Steve JobsFrom two leading thinkers, the widely anticipated book that describes a new, hugely connected world of the future, full of challenges and benefits which are ours to meet and harness. The New Digital Age is the product of an unparalleled collaboration: full of the brilliant insights of one of Silicon Valley's great innovators - what Bill Gates was to Microsoft and Steve Jobs was to Apple, Schmidt (along with Larry Page and Sergey Brin) was to Google - and the Director of Google Ideas, Jared Cohen, formerly an advisor to both Secretaries of State Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. Never before has the future been so vividly and transparently imagined. From technologies that will change lives (information systems that greatly increase productivity, safety and our quality of life, thought-controlled motion technology that can revolutionise medical procedures, and near-perfect translation technology that allows us to have more diversified interactions) to our most important future considerations (curating our online identity and fighting those who would do harm with it) to the widespread political change that will transform the globe (through transformations in conflict, increasingly active and global citizenries, a new wave of cyber-terrorism and states operating simultaneously in the physical and virtual realms) to the ever present threats to our privacy and security, Schmidt and Cohen outline in great detail and scope all the promise and peril awaiting us in the coming decades. A breakthrough book - pragmatic, inspirational and totally fascinating. Whether a government, a business or an individual, we must understand technology if we want to understand the future. 'A brilliant guidebook for the next century ...Schmidt and Cohen offer a dazzling glimpse into how the new digital revolution is changing our lives' Richard Branson
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《C# 8.0本质论》内容简介:本书基于管理复杂性的宗旨来组织内容。第1~5章介绍结构化编程,学习这些内容后,可以立即开始写一些功
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InDesign CC实战从入门到精通-(全彩版) 本书特色 InDesign是当今流行的专业排版软件,被广泛应用于平面设计、印刷出版、数字媒体等诸多领域。本书...
C++Primer中文版第4版 内容简介 作为目前业界广泛使用的编程语言,C++可谓包罗万象、博大精深。20年来,讲述C++的图书早已经汗牛充栋、层出不穷,但其...
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