作者:Ilia Alshanetsky
出版社:Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.
Book Description
With the number of security flaws and exploits discovered and released every day constantly on the rise, knowing how to write secure and reliable applications is become more and more important every day. Written by Ilia Alshanetsky, one of the foremost experts on PHP security in the world, php|architect's Guide to PHP Security focuses on providing you with all the tools and knowledge you need to both secure your existing applications and writing new systems with security in mind. This book gives you a step-by-step guide to each security-related topic, providing you with real-world examples of proper coding practices and their implementation in PHP in an accurate, concise and complete way. Provides techniques applicable to any version of PHP, including 4.x and 5.x Includes a step-by-step guide to securing your applications Includes a comprehensive coverage of security design Teaches you how to defend yourself from hackers Shows you how to distract hackers with a "tar pit" to help you fend off potential attacks
From the Back Cover
With the number of security flaws and exploits discovered and released every day constantly on the rise, knowing how to write secure and reliable applications is becoming more and more important every day.
Written by Ilia Alshanetsky, on eo fhte foremost experts on PHP security in the world, php|architect's Guide to PHP Security focuses on providing you with all the tools and knowlege you need to both secure your existing applications and writing new systems with security in mind.
The books gives you a ste-by-step guide to each security-related topic, providing you with real-world examples of proper coding practices and their implementation in PHP in an accurate, concise and complete way.
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