WebWork helps developers build well-designed applications quickly by creating re-usable, modular, web-based applications. "WebWork in Action" is the first book to focus entirely on WebWork. Like a true "Action" book, it is both a tutorial on WebWork and a sourcebook for its use in demanding, real-world applications. The book goes into considerable depth on how to get desirable web features with WebWork. It uses the same basic (continuing) example as in Manning's Hibernate in Action to show how to integrate WebWork with the popular Hibernate persistance framework. Although Java was (correctly) touted as the next big programming language, it wasn't until the introduction of J2EE and Servlets that its use really took off. Yet, in spite of the huge popularity of JSPs and Servlets, it was never easy for developers to quickly create re-usable, modular web-based applications. Not long after the introduction of JSPs, WebWork sought to solve those very problems and has been helping thousands of developers ever since. WebWork is a web-application framework used by people who understand that somewhere been "just get it done, no matter how ugly" and "make it perfect" lies their best choice. WebWork helps developers build applications quickly, but its unique design also lets developers build beautifully-designed applications.
UG NX4.0中文版快速入门实例教程-(含1CD) 目录 出版说明前言第1章 UG NX 4.0概述1.1 UG NX 4.0的特点1.2 UG NX 4.0...
SPRING BOOT+VUE全栈开发实战 本书特色 传统的JavaEE开发效率低下、配置臃肿、调试不便,严重制约了程序员的生产力。Spring Boot致力于...
微型计算机原理与接口技术 内容简介 本书是根据高等理工科院校电子通信工程、自动化、机电一体化等非计算机专业和计算机专业的《微型计算机原理与接口技术》的教学大纲编...
《Spring Boot技术实践》内容简介:SpringBoot在医疗健康领域的应用推动了设计模式在互联网领域的发展。本书SpringBoot带动了Java编