With more than 67% of web servers running Apache, it is by far the most widely used web server platform in the world. Apache has evolved into a powerful system that easily rivals other HTTP servers in terms of functionality, efficiency, and speed. Despite these impressive capabilities, though, Apache is only a beneficial tool if it's a secure one. To be sure, administrators installing and configuring Apache still need a sure-fire way to secure it--whether it's running a huge e-commerce operation, corporate intranet, or just a small hobby site. Our new guide, Apache Security, gives administrators and webmasters just what they crave--a comprehensive security source for Apache. Successfully combining Apache administration and web security topics, Apache Security speaks to nearly everyone in the field. What's more, it offers a concise introduction to the theory of securing Apache, as well as a broad perspective on server security in general. But this book isn't just about theory. The real strength of Apache Security lies in its wealth of interesting and practical advice, with many real-life examples and solutions. Administrators and programmers will learn how to: * install and configure Apache * prevent denial of service (DoS) and other attacks * securely share servers * control logging and monitoring * secure custom-written web applications * conduct a web security assessment * use mod_security and other security-related modules And that's just the tip of the iceberg, as mainstream Apache users will also gain valuable information on PHP and SSL/ TLS. Clearly, Apache Security is packed and to the point, with plenty of details for locking down this extremely popular and versatile web server.
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