作者:Jason E·Sweat
出版社:Marco Tabini & Associates, Inc.
You have probably heard a lot about Design Patternsa technique that helps you design rock-solid solutions to practical problems that programmers everywhere encounter in their day-to-day work.
Even though there has been a lot of buzz, however, no-one has yet come up with a comprehensive resource on design patterns for PHP developersuntil today.
Author Jason E. Sweat's book php|architect's Guide to PHP Design Patterns is the first, comprehensive guide to design patterns designed specifically for the PHP developer. This book includes coverage of 16 design patterns with a specific eye to their applications in PHP when building complex web applications, both in PHP 4 and PHP 5 (where appropriate, sample code for both versions of the language is provided). With a thorough, test-driven approach, this book represents the definitive guide to design patterns for the PHP developer.
As you can expect from a php|architect book, this Guide is very focused on its topic, with none of the fluff that accompanies the large, expensive titles you sometimes find at the bookstore. Naturally, this doesn't come at the expense of depth of coverage or clarity: the book contains tens of scripts that give you a practical overview of every topic covered, from top to bottom.
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